S2: Omega

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Luna PoV
It's been 2 months, since Peter and Kate died and my dad getting the alpha power back from Peter, by killing him. And it's also been two months since dad gave Jackson the bite. But what's weird though, he hasn't transformed. I don't think the bite accepted him. Lydia, apparently, is in the hospital. Stiles told me that Peter attacked her during the formal night. And also in the last two months, I've been ignoring my dad because he's making his own pack by giving people the bite and I also heard, from Stiles, that Scallison, AKA Scott and Allison are back together. Therefore, all I do is lock myself in my room or take walks in the woods after school. Stiles also knows my secret about me liking Scott. I think I regret telling him, because last week he almost told Scott at the lockers. He didn't spill it when I glared at him with my yellow eyes. And finally, my sleeping pattern is ruined. I always have nightmares about Peter, especially what he said to me.

Right now, I'm in the kitchen eating breakfast. ''Luna, I'll be home late. I have some important things to do, okay? Bye sweetie'' he said, kissing my forehead making me flinch a little. ''How long are you going to be mad at me, Luna? I've apologised like 50 times''. I rolled my eyes and turned to face him.

''Are you done looking for people to see who's going to get the bite?'' I asked him. He shook his head and left. ''Thought so'' I muttered.


I was at my locker and Scott and Stiles arrived. I tired my best to ignore them, but I couldn't since they kept whispering about me for something. ''Ask her Scott. She's right there'' I heard Stiles whisper.

''Well, she seems to be angry and I have no idea why. I'm telling you Stiles. She really is related to Derek. It's hard for her to work in a team'' Scott replied, making me offended.

''Okay'' I spoke up, closing my locker really hard, making those two jump. ''What up? Why do you keep saying my name in your conversation?'' They weren't answering me.

''Scott just tell her'' Stiles said.

''I will, if she'll tell me why she's been ignoring me for the past two months''. I rolled my eyes and looked at Stiles.


''Last night, Lydia escaped the hospital'' Stiles said making me widen my eyes.

''Wait, Lydia is missing?'' I gasped.

''Yeah. And my dad saw a dead body and the liver is missing'' Stiles said.

''Why didn't you tell me the day she went missing?'' I asked.

''Because someone here refused to tell you'' Stiles looked at Scott and Stiles gave me a wink for no apparent reason.

''Well, she's not talking to me. So why should I tell her what's going on?'' Scott shrugged.

''Because Scott, since my dad's busy and I'm a Hale that's only available, that clearly means, you need me'' I smirked. ''And you've only been a werewolf for two months, I've been a werewolf for 15 years.''

''Fine'' Scott sighed, rolling his eyes. ''Can you please help us?''

''That didn't sound very convincing, but Lydia's my friend, so I'll help'' I said and walked away from the both of them.


''Why are we here at the graveyard?'' I asked Scott and Stiles.

''Because this is where my dad saw the body'' Stiles stated. ''So you smell her scent''.

''No. All I smell is the reporters and the Argents. I don't want to be here'' I said, leaning against the tree. ''It's Kate's funeral today, meaning all the Argents will be here and I hate the Argents''.

''Including Allison?'' Scott asked confused.

''No'' I lied. ''I don't like her mom, her dad, I like, kind of. But there's another Argent that I hate so much''.

''Who?'' Stiles and Scott asked.

''Him'' I pointed at an old man walking towards the rest of his family.

''Who is he?'' Scott asked, quietly.

''His name is Gerard. I've met him a few times when my dad was dating Kate back then, he was...weird.''

''Like Peter weird?'' Stiles asked.

''No. Gerard is more like a psychopath. He makes Kate less crazier'' I told him. The three of us continued to stare at the funeral. I felt jealous again when Scott waved at Allison. We hid against the tree when they all turned their heads at our direction. ''Seriously Scott, one day, you will be the cause of my death" I said. We all looked back at the funeral and all of sudden someone grabbed us and brought us to a police car.

''What were you three thinking?'' Sheriff asked us.

''We weren't really thinking'' Siles shrugged.

''This is the police's job Stiles. Leave the investigating to us'' Sheriff told his son and went to speak through his radio. ''I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. Did you say 415 Adam?''

''Disturbance in a car'' Stiles whispered to me and Scott.

''They were taking a heart attack victim'' an officer informed the Sheriff through his radio. ''But on the way to the hospital, something hit 'em.

''What hit the ambulance?'' Sheriff Stilinski asked.

''Copy that. I'm standing in front of it right now. Something got in the back. There's blood everywhere.'' With that, Scott, Stiles and I quickly left to go see the crime.


''What the hell is Lydia doing?'' Stiles asked as the three of us were staring at the ambulance from afar.

''I don't know'' I sighed.

''What kept you two from doing this? Your dad? Allison?'' Stiles questioned me and Scott.

''I hope so'' Scott replied.

''Do you need to get closer?'' Stiles asked. I looked at Scott, he shook his head.

''No, we got it'' I answered.

''Just...I just need you to find her. All right? Please, just... just find her'' Stiles pleaded.

''We will'' Scott assured him and he looked at me. ''Let's go''. He ran away and I followed.


Scott and I split up. I kept on running, all of a sudden, someone grabbed me and brought me behind a tree. I stared at the two people confused. ''Scott? Dad? Scott aren't we supposed to find Lydia?''

''I was but you're dad here showed up out of no where and grabbed me'' Scott said.

''Will you two be quiet?'' my dad growled. ''Listen'' he whispered. When it was quiet I heard voices. My dad, Scott and I followed it and we saw Chris, Gerard and other hunters gathered around an omega and torturing him. I widened my eyes when Gerard pulled out a sword. I looked away because I knew what he was going to do. I heard Scott gasped, and he tried to run away but my dad pulled him back. ''You see what they do? You need me, Scott. The only way to fight them, is together''.

''What are they doing?'' Scott asked. I could feel my dad's eyes on me before answering Scott's question.

''Declaring war''.

Luna Krasikeva HaleWhere stories live. Discover now