S3: Unleashed

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Luna PoV

It was a brand new week again. It was Monday morning, time to go to school again. I walked downstairs and I only saw Peter, who was sitting on the couch, reading a newspaper. ''Crazy Pants, where's dad?'' I asked.

''He left'' he replied simply.

''Do you know where he went?'' 

''I don't know, probably at the loft or something. All I know is that he left really early''. I rolled my eyes. Peter's so helpful.

''How about aunt Cora?''



It was PE. I was standing beside Scott and Stiles. Stiles were telling us about the murderers could be something about being a virgin and that he could be the next victim. ''Stiles, it's not about being a virgin'' I said.

''Three people died and they're all virgins'' Stiles said. I rolled my eyes and I saw Isaac getting angry. I ran towards Isaac and he was grolwing. 


''It's them'' Isaac said, glaring at the twins, Aiden and Ethan. Coach blew the whistle and Isaac ran after the Alpha twins and I ran after them. I saw one of them holding onto Isaac's neck. 

''Ethan, I always forget. How many bones are there in a human body?'' 

''I don't know. Let's count'' Aiden replied. I rolled my eyes and walked over to Aiden and punched his jaw. 

''That's one I looked over at Ethan who was glaring at me. Ethan let go of Isaac and Isaac went to stand beside me.

''Nice punch, Luna'' Isaac said. 

''Thanks'' I smiled. The four of us transformed growling at each other, but we heard a very loud scream. We transformed back to our human form and went to see why a girl screamed. I widened my mouth when I saw a dead boy at a tree. ''Is that the missing boy?'' I asked Scott who went to stand beside me. Scott nodded. 


Sheriff Stilinski arrived, and he was examing the crime, while Stiles, Scott, Isaac and I were having our private conversation. Isaac was telling us that it's the twins that's killing these people. I do not believe that it's them. ''It's not the twins'' I said, looking at the twins who also has their own conversation.

''The way they looked at the kid. It's them Luna'' Isaac said.

''I'm with Luna on this one'' Stiles spoke up. ''People getting strangled, no way this is a wolf job''. I nodded in agreement.

''And they're alphas'' I added. ''They don't do these type of things''. Isaac rolled his eyes and stared at Scott.

''Scott, it's you''.

''I don't know yet'' Scott replied. 

''You don't know yet?'' Stiles repeated. 

''Well, he's got a point. Seriously, dude, human sacrifices?'' 

''Scott, your eyes turn into yellow glow sticks, okay? Hair literally grows from your cheeks and then will immediately disappear, and if I were to stab you right now, it would just magically heal, but you're telling me that you're having trouble grasping human sacrifices?''

''That's a good point too'' Scott sighed. 

''I don't care. They killed that kid, they killed the girl that saved me. I'm gonna kill them too'' Isaac scolded, glaring at the twins. 


It was Chemistry, I was sitting beside Scott and we were both trying to talk to some sense into Isaac who still wants to kill the twins. ''Give us a chance to figure it out before you do anything. Okay? Please'' Scott pleaded but Isaac ignored us.

''Mr. Harris, can I use the bathroom, please?'' Isaac asked. Mr Harris nodded and Isaac left the class, Scott stood up as well. 

''I have to go to the bathroom too'' Scott said.

''One at a time'' Mr Harris said and I started to hear some punches. I looked at Scott gesturing him to try and get Mr Harris to say yes.

''But I really have to go. Like, medical emergency have to go'' Scott added.

''Mr. McCall, if your bladder suddenly exploded and urine began to pour from every orifice, I would still respond, one at a time'. Is that enough hyperbole for you, or would you like me to come up with something more vivid?'' Mr Harris asked. Scott looked at me and I sighed, gesturing him to just give up.

''No. No. That's pretty good'' Scott nodded and sat back down. When we did we heard a smash from the locker. We all went outside and saw a bleeding Ethan on the ground and Isaac was staring at him. I looked ahead and saw Aiden walking away. 

''He...he just came at me'' Ethan lied.

''Isaac, what the hell did you do?'' Mr Harris questioned. I looked over at Scott and he was now angry just like Isaac. ''Detention'' he said. ''Danny, bring Ethan to the nurse's office. Everyone else, go back in''. Everyone walked back into class, except for me, and I also stopped Scott, by grabbing his hand.

''Scott? Are you okay?'' I questioned.

''I'm fine'' he said. I know he's lying because of his heartbeat.

''Scott?'' I repeated giving him a soft glare.

''Okay, maybe they're getting into me now. But I'll be fine. Really'' he said and I nodded slightly. ''Class?'' I nodded and I followed him back to Mr Harris' class.


 I was at my locker getting the books that I need for next class. All of a sudden, my locker door closed. I looked at who closed it and I saw the twins. ''Too bad you're in school. Because you're not out there, to protect your dad'' Ethan said, smirking at me and I stared at them in shock. 

''What?'' I asked.

''Oh, Deucalion visited your dad's loft, and I think he's going die, if your aunt doesn't pull that pipe out correctly'' Aiden added, pulling out his phone, showing me a picture of my dad having a pipe through his back. 

''Oh my God'' I muttered quietly. 

''Yeah, I think you better hurry and go save your dad. But if you leave...'' Ethan paused, turning around. ''No one's going to protect them then'' he pouted. I looked ahead and I saw Scott and Isaac. 

''And I think you know what we're going to do next'' Aidan smiled and I stared at Scott, then back at the picture. I pushed them out of my way and ran out of the school as quick as possible, ignoring Scott and Isaac who was calling my name.


I opened the loft and I saw aunt Cora holding onto my dad who was bleeding. ''Dad?!'' I ran to him and he was coughing out blood. I pulled him into a tight hug, not wanting to let go. 

''I'm fine Luna. Really, I am'' he coughed, making me roll my eyes. He always says he's fine and it's so clear that he's not fine. He wanted me to let him go but I wasn't, I just kept hugging him tightly because I really, really don't know what to do if I lose my dad at all. 

Luna Krasikeva HaleWhere stories live. Discover now