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Dad pulled pulled up his black Chevrolet Camaro in front of Beacon High School and some students started staring at our car. "You know dad, you didn't have to drive me to school. I could have just walk. I am a werewolf after all" I told him, still looking out at the window.

"Well, I wanted to make sure my daughter is safe and to have no boys near her" he replied.

"Dad?" I looked at him, knowing that he's lying.

"The alpha could attack you".

"In the morning?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Too protective?" Dad questioned, making me smile and kiss his cheek.

"I love you for that, dad" I smiled at him. "And now I've got to school".

"Good luck" he said and I got out of the car. As I walked towards the school entrance, I tried my best to ignore the students whispers. Once I went in, I walked to the secretary.

"Hi" I greeted shyly. "Luna Hale" I said simply.

"Ah yes. The other new girl" she said. "Hold on. I will get a student to show you around to your class" she said, giving me my table and left. I sat down on the chair near the desk and I was so glad that I'm not the only new girl around here. I examined my timetable and it wasn't that bad. I have music after lunch on Mondays, Thursday and Friday. I love music. Music is my passion. Dad told me I got that from my mom. Then I have PE on Tuesday morning. The only thing I like about PE is basketball. Aunt Laura told me I got that from my dad.

"Luna Hale?" Someone said my name. I looked up and saw a boy with dark, curly hair.

"Hi" I smiled.

"Hey. I'm here to show you around" he stuttered a little. I have a feeling he's one of those awkward boys. "I'm Scott McCall" he said, putting his hand out.

"Luna" I shook his hand. "But you know that already" I laughed a little and so did he.

"So what's your first class?"


"Oh great. I have that too. Come. We'll walk together" he smiled awkwardly, making me giggle. We both started walking I smell something from him. And no. It was not his cologne. It's a werewolf scent. No. It can't be. I shook my head and Scott and I arrived to our class. "And here we are. English class."


We were all taking down notes that the English teacher had wrote on the board. However I stopped writing, when the principle coming in with a girl. "Class this is Allison Argent. Please make her feel welcome".

Argent? Why does that sound familiar? I asked myself. I watched her sitting down behind Scott and all of a sudden, Scott gave her a pen. How did Scott knew she needed a pen?

"Thanks" Allison smiled, taking the pen from him. I shook my head and continued to write notes.


School was over. I was at my locker and luckily my locker was beside Scott's and his friend, Stiles. "Look at her" Stiles told Scott. I looked behind and saw the both of them staring at two girls; Allison and another girl with red hair. "She's so hot".

"Who?" I asked curiously, closing my locker.

"The red haired girl. Lydia Martin". I looked at Scott for more answers.

"He's had a crush on her since Kindergarten. But she ignores him".

"It's not ignoring, Scott, okay. It's more like...rushing to go to important places?" Stiles shrugged. I looked at Scott confused.

"Ignore it" Scott whispered to my ear and I nodded.

"So, Scott, ready for lacrosse practice today?" Stiles asked.

"You two play?" I asked them.

"Yeah. But we suck" Scott informed me.

"No. We...we are improving" Stiles told me making me laugh a little.

"Yeah, Scott I doubt that you two suck" I said.

"If you want to see how bad we are, come watch us play" Scott said with a small smile.

"Yeah" Stiles nodded in agreement. "Since you're new here, watch our lacrosse tryouts today".

"I'd love to watch guys. But my dad is outside waiting for me" I told them.

"Oh. That's fine. Next time then" Scott said and I nodded.

"Bye guys".

"Bye Luna" they both said.


"So how was school today?" Dad asked me. The two of us were walking in the woods.

"It was fine. I made two new friends name Scott and Stiles and-"

"Stiles?" Dad cut me off. "That's a name?"

"It's his nickname. He told me that his real one is too hard to pronounce" I explained. "And I wasn't the only new girl as well" I finished. "But uh..." I paused for a moment.


"Well there were two things I noticed."

"What was it?"

"Well one, Scott...his scent smelled different" I said, scratching my ear slightly.


"Like it was one of ours" I informed him and dad was staring at the ground, having his thinking face on.

"What was the second thing you noticed?"

"The new girl. Allison. Her last name sounded familiar to me."

"What's her last name?"

"It's Ar-" I topped talking when I saw two familiar boys. "Scott? Stiles?"

''Luna, go back to the house'' dad whispered to me quietly. 


''Now, Luna'' he ordered. I sighed, knowing that I  can't fight back. I nodded slowly and left.

Scott PoV

Stiles and I watched the man leave after he gave me my inhaler back. ''Who was that?'' I questioned. 

''Dude, that was Derek Hale'' Stiles replied. ''He's few years older than us and his family was all burned down in that house''.

''Then why was Luna with him?'' I asked confused.

''What was her last name again?''


''No, it can't be'' Stiles said quietly, shaking his head. 


''Well, rumour has it, when Derek was in high school, he got a girl pregnant and they both had a kid, something like that.''

''So you're saying Derek is Luna's dad?'' I asked.

''It's possible. We'll ask her tomorrow. Let's go. This place is giving me the creeps''.

Luna PoV

Days have passed, Scott and Stiles knows that I'm Derek's daughter and their the only ones that knows it. And weirdly dad gave me a job to keep an eye on Scott from now on, because he has a feeling that Scott's a werewolf. And I agree with him because Scott's showing werewolf strength and hearing during the few days. I was in the living room, doing homework, then dad walked in. ''Why do you look like you came back from a fight.''

''Scott's a werewolf'' dad simply said.

''What? How did you-''

''Hunters came'' he added, making me stop talking. ''Luckily I was there to save him. And Allison. I finally found out her last name and you know why her last name is familiar. She's related to Kate Argent'' dad informed me and I just stared at him in shock. 

Luna Krasikeva HaleWhere stories live. Discover now