3- Suspect On A Motorcycle

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Season 3 x 2

"I made a big mistake. I just couldn't take it anymore, you know? What happened with Zoom, my dad dying, my mother's death, me becoming The Flash. All of it. I wanted a new life. I wanted to start over. And that's what I did. But somehow I-I made things worse."

Barry arrives at the Arrow bunker, causing all of Felicity's papers to go flying everywhere, "No" she groans.

Barry arrives at the Arrow bunker, causing all of Felicity's papers to go flying everywhere, "No" she groans

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"So, I reset everything. I put everything back to the way that it was before.  Except some things weren't the same anymore.  Not even a little bit" Barry rambles.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. Take a breath" Felicity tells him, "You were talking way too fast" she adds.

"Yeah" Barry says.
"What happened?" Felicity asks.
"I really screwed up, Felicity. And this time I don't know if I can fix it" he tells her.
"Okay, let me get this straight. You ran back in time?" Felicity asks him.

"Yeah" Barry says.
"Stopped Reverse-Flash from killing your mom and then lived in an alternate reality where both your parents were alive?" she says.
"Yeah" Barry says.
"And then you restored the timeline, came back to the moment you left, and noticed that things were different?" Felicity asks him.

"Exactly" Barry says.
"Does that just happen when you travel through time? Do things just change like that?" she asks.
"No, I mean, not like this. Not on—I don't know. I don't know Felicity. I don't know what I'm gonna do."  Barry says stammering.

"Okay, why don't you just run me through—walk me through what happened. And we'll, uh, we'll try and figure it out. So, what changed?" she asks as she sits down across from Barry.

"I knew once I got back last night some things had changed but before I could figure out exactly how much, I had to deal with someone this morning."

Barry and Katrina were chasing down a thief who was attempting to get away on his dirt bike. Barry watches Katrina running beside him, surprised at seeing that her lighting was now yellow, red and blue but her suit was blue and red.  They catch up to him and he starts to shoot at them, as they race around his back, taking parts off. Coming to a stop in front of the man, his bike slows down, as Barry stops it with his finger.

"You are not gonna get too far on that thing anymore, are you?" Barry says.
"We will take these back to the jewelry store thank you very much" Katrina says as she takes the bag of jewels out of his bag. "These, these you can keep, if you want." She says dropping the bullets on the ground, as the police show up.
"Good luck with that" Barry says pointing at the cops, as him and Katrina speed away.

"After he was taken care of, I went to STAR Labs, and that's when I found out a lot more had changed than I realized"

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