27- Feel Things

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Season 3 x 12

Barry and Wally stand at the end of the street, "So this is it huh?" Wally asks Barry.
"Yeah. This is the starting line to our race" Barry says as he stretches, "Cisco set up sensors all along the course" he points out to Wally, "and he'll be tracking your speed all the way to the finish line on the other side of town." He explains to Wally.

"No, I mean this is it—the day the greatest upset in speedster history goes down" Wally smiles at him.
"Wally, man, this isn't about winning or losing. Okay? This is about training so you can get faster and beat Savitar and save Kat" Barry says to him.

"Yeah, which I'm gonna do" Wally says back.
"Okay" Barry says as they get ready.
"But first I'm gonna make you eat my dust" Wally tells him, "I'm sorry"
"Okay, you know there is a reason they call me the fastest man alive, Cisco you good?" Barry asks through the comms.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Central City Speedster 500 is about to begin" Cisco replies as he spins around and looks at the others, "But first I have one to five odds that Barry takes down Wally. Any takers?" Cisco asks them.
"Yep!" H.R raises his hand saying, "Game of speculation? Are we—we're betting? Yeah, no, I'm in. On my Earth, financial wagering was banned after an unfortunate incident with Vice President Al Capone." H.R says to them.

"Well lucky for you, you live here now." Iris tells him.
"Yes" H.R says to her.
"Put me down for 20 for Barry, but if Kat was out there, I would be betting on her" Iris then says.
"Joe, got to be in it—come on" H.R says to him.

"No, not me. That's a Sophie's Choice I'm not gonna make" Joe says.
"$80 on Barry" Caitlin says, "Mama needs a new confocal microscope" she adds.
"All right, H.R you put your life in my hands, so I know for a fact you like high stakes. How much you in for?" Cisco says looking at him.

"Wallace's recent speed tests endure that he is a lock. Put me down for an Abe Lincoln" H.R says to him.
"Uh?" Caitlin asks him.
"Uh, 100, whatever 100 is on this Earth, put me down for that" he explains.
"Kat what about you?" Cisco asks.
"$1000 on Barry" Katrina smiles at them.

"Guys we're ready" they hear Barry saying.
"All right, All right. All bets are in, and may the odds be ever in your favor" Cisco says to everyone as he turns back around and presses a button, "Gentlemen, start your engines" he tells Wally and Barry.

"Ready?" Barry asks Wally.
"Get set" Wally responds as they get into their running position.
"Go" Barry says and the two speedsters take off running through the city as the team keeps track on the monitors.

"At the first marker, 1/3 of the way in, Flash is in the lead---or is that Kid Flash?" Cisco says as its hard to tell who was winning.
"Kid Flash!" H.R shouts, "Come on, little Joseph, go" he says excitedly. "Come on, mama needs a new pair of shoes. Come on Wallace, down the lane!" he goes on to say.

"Think he's done this before" Katrina says looking at Iris and Joe, as they continue watching the boy's race.
"Ooh, second marker. Wally's in the lead" Cisco says.
"Yeah, Wallace! That's my boy!" H.R says.
"You mean that's my boy" Joe says.

"That's your boy" H.R says, "I want to double down. I want to double down on that right now" H.R then says to Cisco.
"Oh, H.R, big spender, you serious?" Cisco asks him.
"Serious as a heart attack, Rich" H.R tells him as Cisco types H. R's new bet in his phone.

"Guys, they're neck and neck" Iris says.
"And almost at the finish line" Caitlin says as they watch the monitors.

The race comes to an end, as Barry phases through a building and Wally races over top of it, Barry winning the race, "Oh!" H.R groans.
"Oh, yes!" Iris says.
"Knew he could do it, pay up H.R" Katrina says as she holds her hand out to him.
"Hmm?" Caitlin says holding her hand out too.
"Now?" he asks her, "Do you guys take IOUs?" he says.

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