7- Become Oliver

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(Season 3 x 4)

Barry, Katrina and Joe are at STAR Labs where they are showing the team the security footage from Iron Heights, "This is from a security camera inside Iron Heights" Joe says.
"Forensic analysis indicates that the footage is genuine, no evidence of tampering" Barry explains.

"And we are pretty sure this is Doctor Alchemy that did this?" Cisco asks.
"That was the last thing Clariss said before he died" Katrina says to them.
"Unless someone else killed him" Iris suggests.
"Like a meta with telekinesis or cloaking abilities" Harry then suggests, "We've got both on our Earth" he adds.

"So, what do we do now?" Wally asks.
"Our meta-human specialist at CCPD, Julian Albert, he prefers to work alone, but I got feelers out on his investigation. I'm gonna go there now and see if he dug up anything." Joe says to Barry and Katrina.

"All right" Barry says to Joe as he leaves.
"Okay, well until then you guys want to train?" Jesse then asks.
"Well, now, we have to think about getting back to our Earth. We've been here long enough" Harry tells her.

"I've still got a lot to learn" Jesse tells him. "Your words, not mine" she adds.
"I" he then sighs, "fine" he says to her.
"Well, if you want to train" Cisco spins around in his chair to face her, "let's train...speedster style" he smirks at her.

Katrina and Barry suit up as does Jesse, and she starts to chase them through the pipeline. "Damn Jesse's almost as fast as Barry and Kat" Wally says.
"Velocity's just under Mach 3, heart rate 100 BPMs. Her vitals are normal" Caitlin tells them.

"Yeah, no, we already know all that. Cisco, we need to test her reflexes. Can we test her reflexes?" Harry asks.
"Patience, Harry, patience. If anyone's gonna teach Jesse the ways of the Speed Force— "Cisco says.

"It's Barry and Kat" Iris tells him.
"Thank You" Cisco says. Katrina and Barry continue running around, eventually ending up on the ceiling of the pipeline waiting for Jesse to catch up. They continue to run within the pipeline having Jesse follow when she trips and rolls, but eventually she gets back up.

"Okay, well, that wasn't very heroic" Jesses says once she exits the pipeline where Katrina and Barry waited for her.
"Nope. But, uh, there is a lesson in there somewhere" Barry tells her as he closes the pipeline.

 But, uh, there is a lesson in there somewhere" Barry tells her as he closes the pipeline

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"What's that?' she asks.
"The difference between having powers and having precision" Barry tells her as they walk out.
"Well, what do you mean?" Jesse asks.
"What Barry means is that it will take more than speed to take down some of the metas that you will face" Katrina tells her.

"You gotta think, anticipate. When you enter a new environment, you got to case every inch of it. You never run-in blind" Barry says when he suddenly stops.

 You never run-in blind" Barry says when he suddenly stops

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