38- Music Meister

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Barry and Kara

Barry and Kara look at Millie/Katrina and Mon-El/Tommy, "Hey, who are you? Your names, now" Tommy/Mon-El demands.
"I'm Kara, this is Barry" she tells them, "We're singers at your dad's nightclub" she explains.

"Yeah, Millie, you dad thinks you've been kidnapped." Barry tells her.
"Well, clearly he's mistaken" she says to Barry.
"He really wants you to come home" Kara adds.

"Listen, I am never going back there" Millie/Katrina tells them.
"Mm-hmm" Tommy/Mon-El agrees.
"Why not? There's no place like home" Kara asks them.

"Why not? There's no place like home" Kara asks them

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"Tommy Moran...is my home" Millie tells them as she places her hands on his shoulders and looks at him, Barry watching and not impressed.
"And besides, if our geezers ever caught wind of this, they'd go to war. It's be the end of more than just us, huh?" Tommy/Mon-El says looking at Millie/Katrina.

"Yeah, Tommy's right. Our fathers hate each other. Out love is forbidden." Mille/Katrina tells them.
"This is just like West Side Story" Barry turns to Kara saying.
"I was thinking more Fantasticks but..." she says back to him.

"Look, the point is.... we ain't telling nobody nothing. And neither are you, capsica?" Mille/Katrina says to them.
"Capsica" Kara repeats.
"Can you give us a second?" Barry excuses him and Kara.

"Oh, uh" Kara stammers.
"Sure" Mille/Katrina sighs.
Barry and Kara turn their backs on them, "Okay, look, he says we need to follow the script." Barry says to Kara.

"Uh-huh" Kara nods.
"Right? We're in a musical. So, I think if we convince them to tell their fathers that they're in love, maybe that'll get us out of here" Barry suggest to her.
"And back home to being.... Single, yay..." Kara says sarcastically.

"At least we'll be single together" Barry adds.
"Has saying that ever made anyone feel better?" Kara asks him.
"Debatable" he says to her, as they turn back around and look at Mille/Katrina and Tommy/Mon-El, "Ok, so look, you're fathers aren't perfect, right?" Barry says to them.

"Love isn't perfect" Kara adds on.
"No, but you can't let your love for somebody cause you to be afraid of what might happen. You gotta take the good with the bad, no matter what." Barry says.
"Right" Kara agrees.
"And that includes.... Telling your fathers how you two feel about each other." Barry tells them.

They look at one another for a moment, "All right, you make a convincing argument" Millie/Katrina tells them.
"You do" Tommy/Mon-El adds.
"We'll do it. We'll tell them about us, right?" Mille/Katrina says to Tommy/Mon-El.
"Well, we should go now" Tommy/Mon-El says.

"Okay" Millie/Katrina says smiling.
"Gee, thanks, kid" Tommy/Mon-El says to Barry, "For you" he says giving Millie/Katrina her scarf.
"Thank You" she smiles as they leave the apartment, Barry and Kara watching them go.

"Okay, uh...convincing people in musicals is... really easy" Kara says to Barry.
"Yeah. Let's hope getting out of one is just as easy" Barry tells her.

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