49- H.R

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Season 3 x 23

Barry held Katrina's body in his arms, as Joe drops the gun in hand and he falls down, beside Iris who are both shaken by seeing Katrina die. H.R then runs  toward Joe and he picks the gun up aiming it for Savitar who was now gone, and he spots Tracy standing there, sobbing at seeing Katrina.
"Oh, no" H.R says as he stumbles back dropping the gun.

Barry holds Katrina close to him, when suddenly he hears something fall from her jacket pocket

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Barry holds Katrina close to him, when suddenly he hears something fall from her jacket pocket. He looks down to see drumsticks laying on the ground. Suddenly Katrina gasps, "Katrina?" Barry says as she struggles to breathe. "Kitty Kat?" Barry says.

She looks at him, "B.A" she gasps.
"What?" he asks confused.

Just then Katrina takes H.R.'s transmogrifies out and uses it to reveal that Katrina wasn't Katrina but in fact H.R. "B.A" he gasps again.
"H.R?" Barry asks confused. Tracy sees them and gasps as she runs up to them.

H.R on the roof looks at Joe and Iris, "Joe, Iris" he says to them, and they look up as Katrina is then shown to have actually been H.R.
"Kat?" both Joe and Iris say to her.
"Yeah" she cries and the two of them then wrap her in a hug.
"I don't understand?" Joe asks her when they pull away.
"It was H.R"   she tells him.

H.R left Cisco's workshop using the blade that they had from Savitar's suit to find where Savitar was hoping to find Katrina there. He finds their hide-out seeing Killer Frost and the Time-remnant Barry working on the Savitar suit,

Katrina then spots him, "H.R" she says to him and he turns to look at her, "Hey" she says to him.
He comes over to her, "Hi" he whispers to her., "let's get you out of here" he says to her.
"Where's everyone else?" she asks as he unties her.

"I couldn't tell Barry, or Savitar would know I was coming." He tells her as he cuts the ropes on her wrists. "Let's get you out of here" he says.
"Okay" she says and the two of them start to make their way out. Just then the blade H.R had used to track them, flies out of his hand and reattaches to the Savitar suit.

The continue to get out there, "We can't outrun them" Katrina tells him," get these off" she then holds up her power dampening cuffs.
"No, we can't" he tells her as he unlocks the cuffs, and then takes out his transmogfier and he uses it to look like her and Katrina then changes to look like H.R.

"What...what are you doing?" she asks H.R, as he puts the cuffs on him-self.
"I'm the reason Savitar found you. I need to remedy that." He tells her.
"Not like this. Give me that" Katrina reaches out, when Killer Frost appears and blasts at Katrina believing her to be H.R.
"Don't! I'm the one he wants" H.R calls out as Katrina. "Okay, please, don't hurt him"

Tracy runs up to Barry and H.R, "H.R" she cries as Barry lets her go beside H.R.
"Tracy" H.R says to her.
"No, no" she cries.
"It's...It's okay" he groans out.
"Why are you doing this?" she asks him.

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