41- Run To the Future

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Season 3 x 19

Barry and Katrina were back at their loft as Barry was trying to figure out where in the future he needed to go. Katrina was looking over a scrapbook, and worry was growing in her about Barry going to the future. "2024" Barry suddenly says, "According to the future article in the time vault, I'm still in Central City. There's no mention of Savitar. I've probably trapped him in the Speed Force by then. That the time I need to travel to. 2024" he says as he then turns to look at Katrina, "If I trapped him, I must've figured out who he was, right?" he says to her and she doesn't say anything. "Kat?" he calls out and she looks at him, "What are you doing?" he then asks.

"Sorry, I was just thinking" she tells him.
"About what?" he asks as he comes over to sit down beside her.
"Same thing as you, the future, and about Joe, Felicity and Iris" she says closing the scrapbook and setting it down.

"What about them?" he asks her.
"Barry, I need you to promise me something okay?" she says and he nods at her, "if things...if things don't end up going our way, if Savitar kills me—"

"He won't" he interrupts her.
"If he does though—" "He won't" Barry says to her once more.
"Barry, if he does, promise me that you will be there for them. Joe and Iris are family to me Barry, just as they are to you. Don't let Joe push Cecile away when I'm gone. Don't let him spiral out of control. I know I am not Iris, but he has told us more than once that I am a daughter to him and he wouldn't be able to live if he lost me. Promise to take care of him, Wally and Iris. Make sure that Oliver takes care of Felicity. Please check in with Dick and Babs from time to time,.... and Barry, I don't want you...I don't want you too- "

"Stop...stop. Okay? We're not gonna talk about this. You're not gonna die. I told you, I have a plan." Barry says to her.
"Barry, please I need you to promise me, okay? I am being serious" she says and he looks at her, "Promise me, that you will make sure that Joe and the others are okay"

 "Barry, please I need you to promise me, okay? I am being serious" she says and he looks at her, "Promise me, that you will make sure that Joe and the others are okay"

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"I promise" he says to her. Just then both their cell phones start to go off, and they pick them up to look at them, "STAR Labs" he says to her.
"Duty calls" Katrina says as her and Barry take off.

Barry and Katrina both arrive in their suits to see Caitlin/Killer Frost about to hurt Julian, Cisco, and H.R. "Stop!" Barry shouts at her.
"Aww, come to save the day? Good now I can get rid of the two of you, too" she says as she goes to ice them, Barry and Katrina speeds at her, and she goes flying across the floor.

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