44- Till the End

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Later once they are healed, they head back to STAR Labs, "This is where the Flashy Flash and Bolty Bolt goes down?" Tracy says as she looks around. "It's not exactly what I imagined, but it's cool. So, I always wondered how you kept the friction from building up a lethal dose of static charge" she says about Barry and Katrina's suits.

"Yeah, that's vulcanized Teflon. It neutralizes any electron imbalance" Cisco explains to her.
"Okay, and the—the White Witch? I'm guessing you know why she's after me" Tracy then asks.
"Well, she's teamed up with an evil speedster from the future, and apparently you developed the technology to trap him for an eternity, so..." Iris explains to her.

"You can't be serious" Tracy asks them.
"Totally serious" H.R tells her.
"An evil speedster?" Tracy asks.
"He calls himself Savitar" Barry says.

"Savitar? And he's from the future?" Tracy says.
"Yeah" Katrina tells her.
"And I build a trap for him? Me?" Tracy asks still trying to understand what they were telling her.

"You" H.R says to her.
"He wants to kill you before you build it. That's why he's sending Killer Frost after you" Barry says to her.
"Killer Frost? Her name...is Killer Frost?" Tracy asks them.
"Yeah" H.R says.

"We know it's a lot to take in" Joe says to her.
"Well, to be fair, you're basically telling me I'm Sarah Connor in Terminator" Tracy then says.
"Well, more like, Miles Dyson" Cisco says to her.
"Yeah, but good effort, though" H.R says to her.

"So, wait, you're telling me my ideas about the, um..." Tracy stammers.
"The Speed Force" H.R says for her.
"Speed Force being able to control it, manipulate it, all of that...I'm right?" she then asks.

H.R points to Barry, "it appears so" he tells her as he then presses the button on the device to show her the information his future self had given him about Tracy.
"That's me?" Tracy asks as she laughs seeing her own accomplishments, "Nobel prize? All of that?" she asks.

"In the future, yeah" Barry tells her, and she just sighs in disbelief, "Look Tracy, we need your help. We need you to build this trap now" he tells her as he turns the device off.
"What happens if I don't build the trap?" Tracy asks.
Joe glances at Katrina, "Someone very important to us is going to die" he tells her.

She looks at Katrina, realizing that is who he was speaking about, "I'm sorry. Excuse me" she says as he walks away.
"I know normally one of you fellas go out for the chat, but, uh... I got this one" H.R says as he goes to talk to Tracy.

Later Barry and Katrina change out of their suits and go to find Joe, "Hey" Barry says as they see Joe sitting in the speed lab.
"Hey" he says to them.
"So, have you told Cecile about us?" Katrina asks him, as they sit down beside him.

He just puts his hand up, "Cecile is the only thing...normal I have in my life right now, and I like having something normal. If I tell her about all this... that goes away" he tells them.
"But if you don't tell her..." Barry starts to say to him.

"There may not be an 'us'" Joe says to them.
"Yeah" Katrina sighs, "Joe, there really is no such thing as normal trust me" Katrina tells him.
"Love is the only thing that makes the fight worth it, and it's the only thing that's gonna get us through it" Barry says as he places a hand in Katrina's.

"Guys, guys, there you are" H.R then comes running into the speed lab, "We got a big problem. Tracy's gone" he tells them. They get up and take off to find her, Barry and Katrina using their speed to go and check the city.

They arrive back at STAR Labs, "We checked CCU, her apartment, and Jitters." Barry says to them.
"Tracy wasn't at any of those locations" Katrina adds.
"I'll bet you Savitar and Killer Frost are hunting her down as we speak" Julian comments.

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