36- Be The Flash

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Alarms were going off in the breach room, "Is it Barry?" Katrina asks them as she comes in with Joe and Iris.
"Did something happen to him?" Joe asks.
"We don't know. One second, the telemetry was perfectly normal, and—" Caitlin starts to tell them.
"Then his vitals, they just started crashing" Julian says.
"Oh, God" Katrina then says putting a hand to her mouth.


The Zoom wraith has Barry pinned down to the ground, a hand on his throat. "We warned you" Speed Force Ronnie comes in telling him.
"Why are you doing this?" Barry groans out.
"You speak of sacrifice, yet you still let others bear the burdens that should be on your shoulders" Speed Force Ronnie bends down by Barry saying.

Barry gasps out, "Okay, okay, you're right. You're right.  I never should have asked Wally to save Kat. It should've been me." Barry says as he tries to get up, but the Zoom wraith holds him down harder.  "Please, let me save him" Barry asks the Speed Force Ronnie.

"There's only one way to free Wally West from his eternal torment. You must free yourself first" he tells Barry. Barry struggles under the pressure from the Zoom Wraith, as it sucks the life from him. Barry looks down at his lightning bolt on his suit, and he touches it.
"I love you, Katrina" he says as he then stabs the Wraith with it, killing the Wraith.


They watch as Barry's vitals suddenly flatline, "No" Joe says.
"Cisco, please tell me he isn't— "Katrina says.
"I don't know, I don't know" he says as he puts his vibe goggles on.
"Find out!" Joe shouts at him.

Cisco tries to Vibe for Barry, "I can't" he tells them, "the tether's gone" he then says.
"What?" Joe says to him, "That was him and Wally's lifeline out of the Speed Force" he says.

"How are we gonna get them back?" Iris asks him.
"I don't know that we can" Caitlin says to her.
"We...we will get them back. I am going to get them back" Katrina says to them all.

"No...no you are not...I am not losing another child right now" Joe says to her.
"I might be our only chance" she tells him.
"Kat, Barry would never forgive us if you went in there" Iris says to her.

"Iris, Joe, this is Barry and Wally, we need to get them back, and I am not letting Jesse go after them, I am the only other speedster here, so then I will go" she says to them.
"No, you are not the only speedster we know" Cisco says to her.
"What?" she asks him.
"I'll be back okay" Cisco says as he then gets his Vibe stuff on, and they watch as he makes a breach and disappears.


Barry slowly comes too, and as he sits up and then stands, he realizes he is now at the hospital. "Hello?" he calls out as he pulls down his mask, and starts heading down the hall. "Wally?" he says once more as he then comes upon a hospital room, and sees Wally inside.  "Wally, Wally!" Barry shouts into the room, and he sees Wally doesn't react. "I'm gonna get you out, okay. Just hang on" Barry says, as he goes to open the door, he hears a noise and then sees the handle get blasted with a freeze ray.

Barry turns to look and sees Leonard Snart standing there, "Visiting hours are over, Flash" he says.
"What's happening to him?" Barry asks.
"Wally West is caught in an endless temporal loop, just like Savitar after you imprisoned him here in the future. No wonder he hates you." Speed Force Leonard tells him.

"What's he seeing?" Barry asks.
"He's reliving the single most painful moment of his life over and over again. His mother's death." Speed Force Leonard says.
"Wally" Barry says quietly, "He doesn't deserve this"
"Let me guess. You do?" Speed Force Leonard asks him.

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