21- I had that, Kids

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The Flash Season 3 x 9

Barry, Katrina and Iris walk into the cortex seeing it all decked out in Christmas decorations, "Holy winter wonderland, Batman" Katrina remarks.
"Took the words right out of my mouth" Cisco says to her.
"Well, I guess Earth-19's Christmas is just like ours" Iris remarks.

"Well, I guess Earth-19's Christmas is just like ours" Iris remarks

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"Some traditions are multi-versal" H.R says to her.
"So, um, any more info on Savitar?" Barry then asks.
"Nope, all we know is that he's a speed god, and you and Kat are the only ones who can see him" Caitlin says to him.

"Alchemy seems to be Savitar's high priest, and gets his power from that stone that he has used to create metas. So, Barry and I were thinking if we can find out what that stone is..." Katrina starts to say.
"Maybe we can figure out how to stop him" Barry adds.

"I want to see if I can dig something up" Cisco says as he then gets up to head for the computers.
"Okay" Barry says as he then walks over to Katrina. "I know for you this is our first Christmas after wanting to try again, and I want everything to be perfect, but..."
"You want us to get to this, which I totally get" she says to him.

"Hey, uh, I got a dissertation here from Oxford University about the myth of an ancient Hindu weapon called the Brahmastra" Cisco reads from what he found.
"Mm-hmm" Barry says to him.
"Legendary artifact with incredible powers, capable of—wait for it—" Cisco says looking at them.

"Creating Metas" Barry says.
"Creating meta-humans" Cisco says.
"Guys, that looks just like Alchemy's stone" Caitlin says seeing the article.
"More importantly..." Cisco says as he brings the article up for them to see. "Look who wrote this paper".

Barry and Katrina step closer to take a look, "Julian" they say together.
"I guess we better go pay Julian a visit" Katrina says to Barry.
"Yeah, cause that's going to go well" Barry says to her.

Barry and Katrina enter their old lab, to see Julian inside, and he had already changed their lab around. "Just love what you've done with the place" Katrina says getting Julian's attention.
"Ah, Allen, Wayne, I thought we had a deal. I keep your frost friend's secret, and you never darken these doors again, remember?" Julian says to them.

"That deal was with Barry, not me, and we are only here because we need some information from you" Katrina says to him.
"About that stone that Alchemy uses" Barry says.
"And you two have come to me because?" he asks them.

Barry puts the paper Julian had written on the table, "Apparently, you know a lot about it" Barry tells him.
Julian walks over to the desk and sees the paper, "Why don't you tell us everything you know? And you won't ever have to hear from us again" Katrina then says to him.

"Fine" Julian says to them, as he sits down, "Many years ago, I heard about the Brahmastra, or as it's colloquially called, the Philosopher's Stone" he tells them. "It is said to be the first object to give human beings powers" he goes on to say.
"Like the Particle Accelerator" Barry mentions.

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