32-Yo, Rocky

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Katrina then walks away going after Barry, "Hey, wait up" she calls out to him, and he just looks back at her as he keeps walking.  "Are you okay?" she then asks him.

"Just tired of seeing the people I care about be put in harm's way" he says to her.
Katrina follows him, "but like always we will work together and come up with a plan. Barry, we will stop Grodd" she says as they head down another hall.

He stops to look at her, "And then what? We just send him back? He's just gonna come here again. We have to end this once and for all" he says as he starts walking again.
"Do not tell me that you want to kill Grodd?" she says to him.

"Why not?" he says looking at her. "That's how their society in Gorilla City works...kill or be killed.  That's why he wanted me to kill Solovar. And you know what? I should have. I showed too much mercy" he says to her.
"No, what you did was right, and it is what you always do. That is what makes you the hero you are" she says to him.

"Oliver's killed; he's still considered a hero" Barry says to her.
"Yeah, and that is something that he lives with ever single day, taking a life is not an easy decision to make" she says stepping toward him.
"I think that sometimes, the only way to stop bad things from happening is to just get rid of what's causing them." Barry says to her.
"Barry, tell me what this is really about, what happens to me or Grodd?" Katrina then asks him.

"I kill Grodd, his attack never happens, that changes the future, and.... you live, yeah." He says to her.
"You showing mercy, your humanity that is what separates you from everyone else. It separates you from me, and that's the reason that everyone around here looks up to you, not me. Don't compromise who you are... losing what makes The Flash, The Flash, then my life isn't worth saving if that is what it will cost" she says as tears swell up in her eyes.

They stand in the breach room, as Cisco and Harry place a device on Joe's head, "So all you have to do is concentrate on your memories of Grodd, okay?" Harry says to Joe.
"Yeah, that won't be a problem" Joe tells him.
"All right" Harry says as he and Cisco get to work.

"Hey, dead man" they then hear Jesse saying as she comes into the room, "Seriously" she says looking at her father. "You told Wally you were dying" she says to him.
"Dying?" Caitlin asks.
"You're dying?" Barry, Cisco and Katrina all say together.

"I didn't say I was, uh...I-I said I didn't know how much time I had left. None of us—" Harry tries to explain.
"Okay, what is wrong with you?" Jesse then asks him.
"Umm..." he starts to say.
"Is there seriously nothing you won't say to get me to stay by your side?" she then says.
"I don't" he says to her.

"Look, whatever. I'm moving here, whether you like it or not" Jesse says as she then leaves.
"So, all you got to do is concentrate on your memories of Grodd" Harry says to Joe acting like nothing ever happened.
"Yeah" Joe says to him.
"You ready?" Harry asks Cisco.

"Waiting on you, dead man" Cisco remarks to him.
"Hey, if I start to Grodd out at any point cut the power off immediately" Joe says looking at Caitlin and Katrina.
"Of course," Caitlin tells him and Katrina just nods in agreement.

"All right, Joe, you ready?" Harry asks as Cisco hands him a clipboard with paper and a pen.
"Yeah" Joe says nervously.
"All right, then" Harry says as he goes to the switch for the device, "So here...we...go" he says as he turns the device on.

They hear the noise of the device and suddenly Joe's face goes blank, "Joe?" Barry says as he waves his hand in front of Joe's face.
Suddenly Joe then starts to draw on the paper, "I didn't know he could draw" Caitlin then says.

"Well, that's the thing. Anybody can actually draw. It's just that some have more developed visual cortex and manual ability, as you know. And right now, these magnets are taking that part of his brain and lightin' it up" Cisco says to them. Joe finishes sketching and the device powers down, as Barry takes the sketch from Joe's hands.

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