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Season 3 x 18

Barry and Katrina were with Joe and Cecile at Jitters, Katrina showing Cecile the engagement ring, "It is just beautiful" she comments as Barry comes over with coffee for him and Katrina. "Barry, your grandfather had really good taste in jewelry" she says to Barry.
"Mm-hmm" Barry agrees.

"Yeah, he did" Joe also agrees.
"Okay, so break it down, how did it happen?" Cecile asks her.
Katrina looks at Barry and smiles, "Well, umm... we were at the apartment, and Barry started to sing to me, and then he purposed" she tells her.

"Oh, my God, that's so romantic" Cecile tells the happy couple, "You sing?" she asks Barry.
"Not as good as Joe" Barry says looking at Joe.
Joe looks at him, "Shut up Barry" he remarks.

"Well, okay, that reminds me, my sister has four tickets that she can't use... to Hamilton" Cecile tells them.
"Hamilton" Joe repeats.
"On the house. I thought that maybe we could make it a double if you guys were interested?" she asks them all.

"Oh, yeah we're interested? When?" Katrina asks her.
"First weekend in July" she tells them, and their faces fall.
"Uh...July" Katrina asks.
"Yeah...does that not work for you guys?" Cecile asks.

"Uhh..." Katrina looks at Barry.
"No, that works great" he tells Cecile, "We'll be there, all of us" he says looking at Katrina and smiling.

Katrina goes with Barry and Joe to STAR Labs, sending a quick text to Iris, letting her know that she needed the day off and to cover for her

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Katrina goes with Barry and Joe to STAR Labs, sending a quick text to Iris, letting her know that she needed the day off and to cover for her. Katrina stands there with Barry, as they get Cisco to vibe the future once more. "Well, everything's the same. The future has not changed" he tells the team.

Katrina sighs, "Well, then we still have what two months to make sure it does" she says.
"Okay, well, we should approach this the same way we approach any other problem—start with what we know. Problem can't be solved is it's not understood" Caitlin says.

"Therein lies the rub. I feel like we can't understand any of this until it actually happens. It's like Savitar's prophecies." Cisco then says.
"Precisely, and just like the newspaper headlines. Well, all bar one" Julian says as the look at the Killer Frost Still At Large headline. Just then Julian, Barry and Joe's cells all go off, and they take them out.

"It's a crime scene. We gotta go" Joe then says.
"Stagg Industries" Barry remarks, as they go to leave, and Katrina follows.
"Where do you think you're going?" Joe asks her.

"I'm an intrepid reporter, and there's a crime scene" she says to Joe.
He sighs, "Well, just stay back, and not be on the actual scene, and you might want to let Iris know. She might want in on this" he tells her.
"Will do" Katrina smiles as they head off to the scene.

As Katrina tries to interview witnesses, Barry and Julian check out the bodies that were found, and Joe talks to witnesses. "Hey Barr, anything?" Joe asks Barry as he walks over to them.
"Nothing yet" Barry tells him.
"How the hell did this thing get filled with water and those poor dudes get rapped in here?" Joe asks.

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