6- Time-Trip

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Barry and Katrina head off to STAR Labs, where they bring up Frankie's picture and tell the others about what happened. "Her name's Frankie Kane, but she's calling herself Magenta" Barry says.

"Meh" Cisco remarks, not impressed with her name.
"That Magenta is a whole different person, than the scared, kind girl I was interviewing" Joe says.
"She's dissociative" Harry says.

"You're saying she has split-personality" Katrina says.
"According to her medical records, it's a condition she's been dealing with her entire life" Caitlin reads from the computer. "I'm sure all the yelling at CCPD is what trigged it" she adds looking at Joe.

"So, Frankie is Jekyll. Magenta is Hyde." Wally says.
"Classic good versus evil" Harry says.
"Or she's pulling a 'Primal Fear'" Cisco then suggests.
"She's faking it" Harry says.

"No, that's not possible, we watched her and could see she was struggling with herself. This Magenta personality is trying to take over her completely." Katrina tells them.
"You said she was raised in the foster care system" Iris says.
"Yep, all of her life. She went from home to home" Joe tells her.

"Yeah, and maybe not good ones. Her current foster father, John—the one who was hurt in the attack—yeah, he's got a few disorderly conducts.  He might have some information we can use. I can follow up with him" Iris says.
"I will go with you, when you do that, back up just in case" Katrina smiles at her.

"There is something else" Barry then says, "She got her powers from Alchemy. When I said his name, she knew who he was, so Magenta must have existed in the other timeline too" he goes on to explain.
"Who's Alchemy?" Harry asks.

"Well," Cisco scoffs, "Doctor Alchemy is a magic man in a cloak who can somehow restore the powers that people had in Flashpoint" Cisco tells him.
"Okay, and what's Flashpoint?" Jesse asks.
"That's what we're calling the alternate timeline that Barry created when he went back in time and saved his mom" Caitlin explains.

"Oh, so Magenta is another side-effect from your time-trip" Harry says to Barry, "Genius

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"Oh, so Magenta is another side-effect from your time-trip" Harry says to Barry, "Genius. Not" he then says.
"I don't need to be reminded. Thank You" Barry says to him.

"Look, anybody with those powers and as angry as her needs to be tracked down. Fast" Joe says.
"Well great, I mean, fast I can do" Jesse then says, "Let me just go carb-load" she adds.
"He didn't—that's—you don't" Harry stammers calling out to his daughter. Katrina and Barry then notice the look on Wally's face as Jesse walks away, they look at one another nodding as the go after Joe.

"Hey, Joe" Barry calls out and Joe stops to look at the two of them.
"Were you able to talk to Wally?" Katrina then asks him.
"He still seems a little bummed" Barry adds.
"It's not gonna fix itself overnight, but it's all good. He gets it" Joe tells them.

"Okay" Barry says to him.
"And I got to be honest, it was one of my better dad cop speeches" Joe says.
"Uh, what is 'dad cop'?" Katrina then asks.
"There's good cop and bad cop and dad cop. Firm but reassuring. Cuts to the point." Joe explains.
"I don't think I know that one" Barry tells him.

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