28- Feel Safe

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Barry and Joe meet up with the others at Jitters, joining a table that Cecile and her daughter Joanie were at. They have their drinks, and Joe comes back up with drinks for Joanie and Cecile, "French roast for Cecile" Joe says passing her the drink.

"Thank you" she smiles at Joe.
"Non-dairy green tea latte for Joanie" he says passing her the drink, "You not much of a coffee drinker, Joanie?" he asks her.
"Well, I used to be, but then I learned hot roasted coffee beans contain cancer-causing level of acrylamide." She tells them.

"Well, damn" Joe says and they all stop drinking their coffees.
"Uh, Joanie, Cecile says you're at Coast U?" Barry then asks and she nods at him, "What are you studying?" he asks.
"I'm undecided" she tells him.

"Is there anything your leaning towards?" Katrina then asks.
"Not really" she replies.
"Uh, Coast U's pretty far, right? Do you ever miss Central City" Wally asks her?
"Actually, I like it better there" Joanie tells him, "Well, there is one thing I miss about Central City" she then says.

"What's that?" Joe asks her.
Cecile then shakes her head, "You're gonna regret that you asked" she tells Joe.
"Kid Flash" Joanie says.
"She's a little—little obsessed" Cecile then says.
"Kid Flash is the one thing you miss about Central City?" Barry then asks.

"Whoa, Barry, slow down. You don't have to be so skeptical about it. Kid Flash is cool" Wally then says smiling at Barry. "What do you like best about him, specifically?" he asks Joanie,
"Well, he's fearless and he's brave" she says.
"Yeah" Wally says.
"He's a hero, and he's probably pretty cute under that mask" Joanie says smiling.

"Yeah, I think so, too" Iris then says.
"Come on, Joanie, honey, Kid Flash?" Cecile says, "He's a showboat—he's snapping selfies, he's leaving graffiti bolts on buildings" she complains.

"That's kind of his signature move" Joanie then says

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"That's kind of his signature move" Joanie then says.
"Yeah, well from what I hear, The Flash and Bolt are the one's who are actually saving people" Cecile then says.

"Ohh, sounds like Cecile's team Flash and Bolt" Katrina then smiles looking at the others.
"Uh, Joanie, my dad would never brag about this, but he knows Kid Flash" Iris then says.

"You do?" Joanie asks looking at Joe, "Is my mom, right? Who's the real hero—Flash and Bolt, or Kid Flash?" she then asks.
"Mm, they all are" Joe says not wanting to choose. "They all do great things for Central City" he adds.

"Okay, but if you had to choose?" Joanie asks.
"I—I don't—I don't think I could choose" Joe says.
"Yeah, but if you, like, had to?" Wally then asks looking at Joe.

"Um, would go get me some cream, Wally, please?" Joe then says to him.
"Yes" Wally says taking the creamer cup from his dad and getting up to leave.

Barry's phone then starts to go off, "Ah, this is work. I'll be right back, sorry" he says looking at his phone and excusing himself. Katrina watches Barry steps away curiosity on her face about what it was about.

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