22- Metal Mouth

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They arrive to see Cisco standing there with the box open and Savitar standing behind him. "Bow to your God" Savitar says as he then grabs Barry and takes off. Katrina then chases after the two of them arriving in the Speed Lab, she sees Savitar speeding around with Barry, tossing him around the room. She tires to run up to the Speed God to save Barry, but Savitar swings his arm, knocking her across the room. Savitar then tosses Barry across the room, just as Wally then appears, "I can see him" Wally then says.

"Great. Get his attention" H.R. tells Wally, as Barry and Katrina slowly get up.
"Uh, yo, metal mouth" Wally calls out and Savitar turns to look at Wally, "Clearly nobody taught you how to play nice with others" he says as he runs at Savitar, and the God of Speed grabs Wally and tosses him across to Barry.

"Stop this!" Katrina calls out the Savitar.
"Kat, stay back" Barry shouts out as Savitar starts to advance on Wally and Barry, creating spikes in his hands. Just as Savitar is about to get closer to the two of speedsters he disappears, and Katrina rushes up to Barry and Wally.
"Thanks" Barry says to Wally.
"You kidding that was awesome" Wally says.

Barry, Katrina and Wally all leave the speed lab, Barry and Katrina changing out of their suits. "You sure your okay?" Katrina asks Barry.

"Still in one piece" he tells her.
"I don't know what happened" Cisco says as they all look at the box.
"So now that the box is closed, Savitar's what, gone for good?" Joe asks.
"I don't know, but we need to find out" Barry says as he then looks at Cisco, "Cisco? If we can't use this box, Julian, he may be our only link to Savitar now, right?" Barry asks him.
"I think we can use both of them. If Caitlin's right and this thing messes with brainwaves, then I have a plan" Cisco says to them, and they follow Cisco and Caitlin out of the cortex.

They get Julian and bring him to the speed lab, where Cisco has something set up, "What am I doing here?" Julian asks them.
"Okay, Julian, today when I was fighting Savitar, it—he and Alchemy, they had the same voice" Barry says to Julian.

"Okay, what does that mean?" Julian asks.
"I don't think there is an Alchemy, I think it's Savitar speaking through you." Barry tells him.
"Savitar clearly possesses someone who rallies worshippers" Caitlin says to Julian.
"But he's like a poltergeist, he needs a medium to manifest himself" Cisco then says.
"You" Katrina says to Julian.

"Right, but what does that mean?" Julian asks.
"We think we figured out a way to sync your brain to the stone" Caitlin says.
"And it'll allow us to speak directly to Savitar" Cisco says.
"I thought—" Julian starts to say.
"Julian, if you want to be free of all of this, then you need to trust us okay" Katrina tells him.
"I've never liked you Allen, and I wondered about you Wayne" Julian says to them.

"Yeah" Barry scoffs.
"Having a little séance with your friends now, is not gonna help chance that fact. You do know that." Julian says as he looks at Barry ad Katrina. Katrina looks at him, "Fine, I'll try it" Julian then says.

 Katrina looks at him, "Fine, I'll try it" Julian then says

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