24- McSnurtle

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Barry takes her to the time vault, "Wow, I forgot all about this place" she says to Barry.
"Yeah" Barry says, "the original Wells used to call it his time vault, which you know. I've been coming down here a lot lately. I guess I've become as obsessed with the future as he once was." He says as he then presses the button to make the newspaper article appear. "After Flashpoint happened, this article reappeared" he tells her.

Katrina then looks at it reading the article title" Flash Missing, Vanishes in Crisis by Iris West April 25th, 2024—but—" she says looking at Barry remembering that she seen it before. "The byline used to read Katrina Ivory-Allen; the future's changed" Barry says to her.
"Yeah, we know I already changed my last name and maybe I decide to keep working at CCPD, I don't become a reporter" Katrina says to him.

"Yeah, that's what I'd hoped at first too, or something, but I..." Barry says as he then sighs leaning against the wall, "Look, Katrina, I'm sorry I didn't tell you this sooner. When I threw the Philosopher's Stone into the Speed Force, I accidently ran to the future.  I saw Savitar murder you. Somehow you don't have your powers, and I saw myself, and I—I wasn't fast enough to save you" he says to her.

"Barry, how, no, I mean—We destroyed the Stone, Savitar is gone, so..." she says trying to take this all in.
"Maybe not. I—" Barry starts to cry, "I don't know, I don't know. Maybe not." He tells her.
"The nightmares, is this why you've been having them?" she then asks. "You keep seeing me die?" she says. He just nods at her, "What does this have to do with Plunder then?" she asks.

"He was already in jail in the future, so I don't know. I thought If I... we didn't catch him, that I could stop the timeline from cementing. I could prevent your death. I don't know." He says to her.
Katrina steps toward him, "Barry; you know that you can't stop protecting the city to save me" she says to him.

"Why? Why not? I'm sorry. Uh, one robber goes free. It's that versus your life. Bruce and even Joe would want me to make the exact same choice, Katrina." Barry says to her.

She turns away from him holding her tears back, "Katrina" Barry whispers.
"How...how long?" she then asks him, as the tears start to fall.
"How long till what?" Barry asks.
She turns back to face him, "How... how long do we have till it happens?" she then asks.

"This is not gonna happen" he says to her as he walks over to her, "Look at me, hey this is not gonna happen

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"This is not gonna happen" he says to her as he walks over to her, "Look at me, hey this is not gonna happen." He says placing his hands on her arms, "Jay said that your death is just one possible future okay? So that gives us four months to figure out how to stop Savitar." He tells her as she continues to cry. He then moves his hands up to her face, "I swear, on both my parent's lives, I will protect you." He tells her as he wipes one of her tears away.

" He tells her as he wipes one of her tears away

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