34- Fear

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Barry brings the box back to STAR Labs, where Cisco sets it all up to check it over, "So far...not so good. Can't get any readings off of it." He says.

"It's the same as the last time" Barry says.
"We sure that this isn't just the same box?" Katrina asks.
"Well, it can't be. I mean, I threw the other one into the Speed Force." Barry says to her.

"Yeah, but the explosion from it also sent you to the future. What if that could have done something to the box as well?" she asks.
Julian who had been staring at the box sighs, "I hate to say it, Barry, but, after all my years of research, I've never heard or come across another box or Stone; I think this is it" he tells Barry.

"If that's true, we need to consider the possibility that Savitar has that Stone" Joe then says.
"I'm gonna check for radioactive isotopes or gravimetric force residue, cause if it's the same as the last time..." Cisco says as he takes the box.
"We're in big trouble" Barry sighs.

Barry and Katrina sit in the cortex, as they wait for Cisco to figure out about the box, when Wally comes speeding in, "You're so full of it" he says to Barry.
"What?" Barry asks.
"Railing at me for not telling everyone about Savitar? What about what you're not telling everyone, Barry?" he says walking toward the desk.

"What are you—" Barry says confused.
"Cisco vibed me into the future. I saw what happened. Tell Katrina why you asked her to marry you" Wally says to him, and Katrina looks at Barry, "Go on, tell her the real reason, Barry." He says stepping away.

Katrina looks at Barry, "What is Wally speaking about?" she asks him, "Barry" she says when he doesn't say a word.
Barry shakes his head, "The night that Savitar kills you, you didn't have a ring on your finger" he tells her.

Barry shakes his head, "The night that Savitar kills you, you didn't have a ring on your finger" he tells her

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"We were not engaged" she says to him, "So, what you thought that if we were..." she stops.
"That it might change the future" he says to her, and she just shakes her head. Katrina gets up from the chair and walks away from Barry, "Katrina...Katrina, wait" he calls out going after her.

Katrina walks down the hall, "Kitty Kat, hey come on, hey, I love you, okay" Barry says as he grabs her arm, stopping her, "I love you more than anything. That part has never changed. It never will" he tells her.
"Barry, you and I moved in together after a crazy rash decision you made at Christmas, and then almost a few weeks later, you proposed. I mean, I know we don't know where Bruce was so you couldn't get his permission, but you didn't even ask Joe, who is like a dad to me" Katrina says to him.

 I mean, I know we don't know where Bruce was so you couldn't get his permission, but you didn't even ask Joe, who is like a dad to me" Katrina says to him

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