47- Sparkly

552 15 1

Season 3 x 22

Barry and Katrina lay in bed, trying not to think that she was going to die in just mere hours, "Kat" Barry says and she turns over to look at him

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Barry and Katrina lay in bed, trying not to think that she was going to die in just mere hours, "Kat" Barry says and she turns over to look at him.
"You know, what I would love right now" she says to him.

"Anything you want" he says looking at her.
"Caviar" she tells him.
"Caviar?" he asks.
"Yeah" she tells him.
"Okay, well, it's just a little late, so it might be hard for me to find a place that has it. But I will find an assortment" he tells her.
"Thank You" she smiles at him.

"Just stay with me, okay? The whole team's working on this

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"Just stay with me, okay? The whole team's working on this.  And we can accomplish a lot in 24 hours" he tells her.
"I know we can, I am fine, Barry, really" she assures him.
He kisses her, as he then gets out of the bed, "Get some caviar" he sighs as he grabs his watch then speeds away.

Once he is gone Katrina sits up in the bed, and goes over to his side of the bed, and picks up his phone. Going into it she sets it all up to record a video message, "Hey, Barry, uhh, there is something that I need to say to you" she sighs as she records a message for him.

The next morning, Barry and Katrina were getting ready to leave, when Barry's cell vibrates, "Hey Cisco" he answers, "What...where? All right, I'll come pick you up" he ends the call.
"What was that?" Katrina asks him.
"Really good news" he smiles at her.

"Umm, by the way Dick should be arriving at STAR Labs soon, he promised to come help, remember?" she says to him.
"Yeah, yeah I know" he says to her, as he then kisses the top of her head and they both head out.

Barry and Cisco head to ARGUS, "Lyla" Barry says as Lyla meets them outside.
"Gentlemen" she says to them.
"Uh, it's a wee bit chilly, want to take this inside" Cisco says to her.

"Every square inch of that building is bugged. Figured it was better to talk out here.
"Okay, yeah. I love the breeze" Cisco say, "on days like this"
"Yeah" Barry says.
"So, I got your message. But you're gonna have to run me through exactly what you need again." Lyla says.

"Yeah" Barry says as he points to Cisco to explain.
"So, we're building a cannon. Bazooka.... Thing. It's sort of a trap" he says to her.
"In order to turn it on. We need something to power it. Something extremely powerful and regenerative" Barry says.

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