42- Miss My Friend

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Barry goes back to STAR Labs, where he finds the future version of himself inside the time vault looking at pictures of him and Katrina. Future Barry looks at his past self, and then he goes and closes down the pictures. "You promised. You promised her that you would be there for Joe and Iris." Barry says to his future self.

"You don't understand" Future Barry says.
"I don't understand what? That you abandoned him? That you abandoned him and everybody else? You made a promise!" Barry shouts at himself.

"That I couldn't keep!" Future Barry shouts back, "Not after everything I lost. I was just as broken as Joe and Iris were." He shouts.
"I don't care" Barry says to himself.
"You will!" Future Barry shouts shoving his past self., "You will" he scoffs, "You want answers, Barry? How's this? You will go back. You will do everything that you can think of to save her. You're even gonna create time remnants of yourself, but he's gonna kill them all, mostly. And then on the night of May 23rd Katrina Wayne, will die in your arms." He tells past Barry.

"No" Barry shakes his head

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"No" Barry shakes his head.
"And in that moment, she takes her last breath, it'll feel like an eternity. And it will break you. She's the love of your life, Barry. She was the love of my life" Future Barry says as he turns away and then goes and sits in the corner of the room, "There'll be nothing left at all but stopping Savitar. So, no you won't be there for Joe or Iris. You won't be there when Caitlin becomes Killer Frost. When Savitar destroys Wally. When Iris leaves the city because she can't face you for the pain you've caused her family. You won't be there for any of them. But then one day, you'll stop him. You'll lock him in the Speed Force forever. But at that point .... He already won. Because everything that you've ever loved is gone. Including you. Go home, Barry. There's nothing for you here." Future Barry tells his past self. Barry frustrated with his future self storms away.

Barry now in his suit, finds Cisco in the cortex looking at the mannequins that once held Barry and Katrina's suits, "Cisco" he calls out, "Did you figure out what's keeping me here? I need to go home."
"What? You're leaving? Now?" Cisco asks him.
"He's...he's...he's not gonna help me, man. He's broken. And if Caitlin's working with Savitar, I need to get back. I need—before she's lost to us forever" Barry says to him.

"What about everyone else?" Cisco asks him, "you want to help them"
"I can't help them" Barry says to him.
"I should've known. No matter what I do, you're gonna abandon the ones close to you" Cisco says as he starts to walk away.
"Cisco, it's not like that. I just—I can't stay here" Barry tells him as he then realizes something, "But you want me to. To get the team back together. It wasn't Mirror Master or Top that did something to me. It was you, wasn't it?" he asks Cisco.

"Yeah" Cisco tells him.
"What did you do?" Barry asks.
"You know the resonance field you create when you run?" Cisco say to him, as he holds a device up, "this disrupts that. I might not be able to use my powers but I still know something about tech" he says handing the device to Barry.

"Why would you keep me here?" Barry asks him.
"Cause I miss my friend" Cisco says to him.
"Cis..." he sighs.
"If you want to go, I'm not gonna stop you. I don't know why I expected you to be the same Barry Allen I remember. That guy still had some fight left in him." Cisco says as he then walks away from Barry. Barry watches Cisco go, and then he places the device down. He heads off for the pipeline and opens it up and stands there, getting ready to go back to 2017. He stands there getting ready to run, the words Cisco said still ringing through his head.

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