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Arrow Season 5 X 8 -Invasion! Part 2

Oliver is running through the forest, coming to a clearing at Queen Manor. Oliver finished taking his shower, "So...how was your run?' he hears a woman's voice saying.
"You know how it was I told you about it in the shower" he says coming over to the shower and picking up a towel, "here you go" he says passing it to her.
"How could I forget" she steps out and it's Laurel tightening the towel around herself.

"Dinah Laurel Lance" Oliver says kissing her, "Will you marry me" he says to her,
"I think I already answered that question" she says holding up her hand with her engagement ring on it.
"Right" Oliver says to her as he kisses her again.
"Okay" she says pulling away, "time to get ready, my sister will be here soon" Laurel says as she walks away.

Inside the Dominators ship, Oliver, Ray, Thea, John, and Sara are all inside pods.

At the Arrow bunker, Rene is using the salmon ladder, "Any word from Felicity?" Curtis is asking him and Rory.
"Only that Oliver, John and Thea have been abducted by aliens" Rory says to him. " Of course they made that sound normal" he adds.
"I've got every traffic cam from here to Central City looking for them" Curtis says.
"Yeah, like traffic cams are gonna help against alien invaders." Rene says.

"You know what, it will probably help more than you trying to pretend to be Oliver Queen" Curtis retorts.
"Nothing to pretend about, gotta keep in shape so when these ET's show up, I can kick their collective asses" Rene says walking away.
"Yeah, you'll have better luck on the Salmon Ladder" Curtis calls out to him, "My whole life I've waited to see a sign of intelligent life. Now that I'm seeing it, they're not intelligent at all they're just mean, I can't believe it" Curtis says.

"Try to start" they then hear Felicity say as her and Cisco step off the elevator, "Guys, this is Cisco Ramon of STAR Labs" she says introducing Cisco.
"Curtis, big fan" Curtis says.
"Rene Rameriez" Rene says.
"Rory Regan" Rory then says.
"Ok. Curtis, you're tall" Cisco says walking by him, "Rene and Rory. That's two Rory's I know now, the other one he's a douche, you're not a douche, are you?" Cisco says to Rory.
"No" Rory says to him.
"Ok, good I just had to make sure, right" Cisco says patting him on the arm, "Guys, we have to find Oliver and company and I'm not talking about the cherished Disney animated film, starting Billy Joel, okay" Cisco says as he looks over Felicity's desk. "I'm talking... I got to Vibe, all right? I need something to Vibe off of, something personal" Cisco says.

"I've got one of his old bow's here, somewhere" Felicity says as she goes to get it.
"That'll do" Cisco says in a Scottish accent.
"Um, for those of us who don't know you as well, not because I feel like we're best friends, we've known each other for a long time... Uh, what are you going to do exactly?" Curtis asks him.
"Oh, right, I'm about to vibe, its this thing I do, where, uh, I touch something. I... I can not only see the past. I can see the future, but most importantly, I can see where people are." Cisco explains.

"So, you're one of them" Rene says and Cisco looks at him, "Metahuman" he adds sounding not so thrilled.
"Yeah, don't sound too excited about it" Cisco remarks as Felicity comes out with a bow.
"Okay, this is it" she says showing it to Cisco. "Just... just please don't break it, any more than it already is broken, okay" she says to him.

Cisco then takes a breath as he places a hand on the bow, vibing for Oliver. He sees the Dominators ship and looking around he spots the five teammates inside the pods. Coming out of the vibe he looks at Felicity, "I saw them, they're in some kind of stasis like a ship. It's a little alien, a little Star Trek... JJ Abrams style and a whole lot of tech" he tells her.

"You said tech!" Felicity says to him.
"Yes, I said tech. It's an alien spaceship, Felicity, these guys aren't amateurs" Cisco says to her.
"Yeah, but" she starts to say, as Curtis interrupts. "I think where she's going is if we had some, we might be able to download some intel off it, like, including everyone's location"
"Yes" Felicity says.

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