37- Whammied

612 22 1

Season 3 x 17

Barry sits on Cisco's couch watching Singing in the Rain, "This.... again?" Cisco comes over saying. "What, are you gonna spend the rest of your life sitting around on the couch? Come on, you've been doing this for day. Let's do something. Let's go out" Cisco says trying to get Barry up off the couch.

"No, man, I'm sorry

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"No, man, I'm sorry. I—I don't feel like going out" Barry tells him.
"What is it with you and musicals these days anyhow?" Cisco asks him.
"Everything's better in song" Barry explains.

"Listen, dude, I know you've been going through a tough time since Kat broke off the engagement, or I guess—" Cisco says.
"What?" Barry says.

"Technically, since you broke off the engagement. Whoever broke off the engagement, doesn't matter, I just—I don't know, man. I want to help" Cisco says.
"Nothing you can really do" Barry tells him.

"Really? I guess I'm just gonna have to let Mr. Gene Kelly take over cause, Lord knows, I can't do anything about that" Cisco says as both their phones start to go off. "It's H.R" he says to Barry.
"Yeah" Barry sighs.

Barry and Cisco arrive at STAR Labs, as Katrina arrives at the same time, "H.R texted me" she says barely looking at Barry. They head down to the breach room, where they see a breach having opened up, and H.R and Wally are looking at it. "B.A., Kate, someone's coming through" H.R says to them.

"Could be Gypsy" Cisco says.
"Could be, or it could be- "H.R says as they see John Jones arrive with a man carrying Kara, "Supergirl?" H.R says.
"Kara" Barry and Katrina say at the same time.

"What happened to her?" Barry then asks

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"What happened to her?" Barry then asks.
"We don't know, but whoever did it has come to this world" John informs them.

They get Kara into the infirmary where Caitlin gets monitors on Kara, and checks her over, "Her vitas are low. How long has she been like this?" Caitlin asks John.

"A few hours" he informs her, as Katrina walks in and just half smiles at Barry.
"Okay, we need to find whoever did this to Kara and punch him repeatedly until he reverses whatever spell he put on her, and I get to punch him first" the man that had been carrying Kara says to them all.

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