18- Responsibility Now

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In the real world

It was night time and Team Arrow was waiting with Barry and Katrina as Rene drives up on his motorcycle, "You should have taken them up on their offer to carry you, it was awesome" Curtis says to Rene.
"Nobody's carrying me anywhere" Rene says.
"It's so cool Felicity reached out. It's awesome to meet you both" Rory says to Barry and Katrina.
"Just wait till you meet her" Katrina smiles as they see Supergirl fly down and lands on one of the tractor trailers.
"Hey everyone" she says smiling at them as she poses.

Barry and Katrina both wave at her, "Oh, I've had enough of this" Rene remarks as he gets off his cycle and heads for the factory

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Barry and Katrina both wave at her, "Oh, I've had enough of this" Rene remarks as he gets off his cycle and heads for the factory.
Barry and Katrina follow Rene inside the building, "Yo, you want some company?" Barry asks him.
"Not really" he says as he continues to walk around.

"Ok, umm so what exactly is it you've had enough of?" Barry asks.
"Nothing, just didn't know there were flying metahumans now" Rene says.
"No sign of Washington" Kara says as he comes up to them.
"Yeah, well Supergirl's not a meta, she's actually an alien" Katrina explains.
"Oh, I'm one of the good ones" Kara tells him.

"There are no good ones" Rene remarks.
"What the hell man, what' is your damage" Katrina says clearly not liking this Rene guy.
Rene puts his gun away, and takes off his mask turning to look at them, "My damage is that people like you three have the power of Gods, yet you think you can make the world a better place just by putting on a fancy costume" he says to them.

"No, we... we think we make the world a better place because well... well, we do" Kara says to him.
"Yeah" Barry says.
"Look around" Rene says as he points to Katrina and Barry, "Moment they showed up metas start appearing everywhere" he then points to Kara, "Now you show up, and we get aliens. Superpowers are evil, man, and I don't want anything to do with them or with either of you" he says as he puts his mask back on and goes off ahead on his own. As Rene enters another are of the building he is blasted by electricity and gets knocked back. Looking up he sees a woman standing over him, pointing her hand toward him.

In the Alternate world

Moira is helping Thea with her bridesmaid dress, "Thea, you have grown into the most beautiful young woman" she tells her daughter.
"It's just a bridesmaid dress, Mom. No one actually looks good in one" Thea tells her.
"Well, you do, you look fulfilled" Moira tells her.
"Yeah, I don't know about that one, Mom, but I... I do know I have never been happier" Thea smiles at her.
"Good" Moira says.

 "Good" Moira says

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