30 - He's Dead

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Earth One

Katrina sits on the couch, hating that she didn't know what was going on with Barry on Earth-2. Just then there is knocking on her door, "coming" she calls out as she uses her speed to go to the door, and unlocking the three locks she opens the door, smiling at seeing Dick standing there.

"Hey all settled in?" she asks him, as he enters her loft.
"Yeah...wow, you gave up the penthouse for this" he says to her, as she closes the door.

"Barry did this for me, for us, he wanted a place that was our own. He's been living with Cisco, and the penthouse was mine, and he didn't feel like living there, cause well it's the penthouse. So, he surprised me with this." Katrina explains to him.
"That's....that's nice" Dick says as he goes and sits down.

"Yeah, it was, so, tell me what's the team handling things. I know you left Victor in charge has he and Garth caused havoc yet? Has Raven called you a million times saying they've burned the tower down?" she asks as she sits down beside Dick.

 I know you left Victor in charge has he and Garth caused havoc yet? Has Raven called you a million times saying they've burned the tower down?" she asks as she sits down beside Dick

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"No, they've not done any of that, but Barbara promised to go check on them" he tells her.
"How is she doing? I texted her the other day, and she told me she's doing okay, but I mean, I feel like a terrible friend because I haven't been to see her" Katrina says to him.

"She's...she's okay. She knows that you've been busy here, with your superhero life." He says as he reaches out and touches her arm.
Katrina looks at his hand on her arm, "You know I only asked you here as a friend right" she says to him.

"This doesn't mean anything Katty, unless you want it to. I mean Barry isn't here, he wouldn't have to know" he says to her.
Katrina then stands up, "this...this was a mistake, maybe, maybe you should come back in a month or too closer to when I am supposed..."

"Die" he says to her.
"Yeah, that" she says to him.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Katty, I just...I missed you okay" he says to her.
"What about Kory?" she then asks him.

"We're.... we're not really sure where that is going right now" he tells her.
"Well, she is not from around here, so that would make a relationship hard" Katrina says to him.
"Yeah...yeah it would" he sighs at her.

"Geeze look at our lives, I have speed super powers, you are living in Jump City, Bruce is AWOL, you have a bionic boy, a kid that can morph into animals, a teenager who's father is a demon, and a girl that came from space living in a tower that I supposedly own" Katrina says as she then heads to the kitchen.

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