10- Monsters in Our City

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Later Katrina walks into the lab, a Big Belly Burger bag in her hand, "Hey" Barry says seeing her.
"I finished up with the business, so I grabbed us some lunch, want to make this into a lunch date" she smiles as she walks over to him.

"Yeah, cool clear a spot, let's do this" he smiles back as he clears a spot on the table.
"So, are things any better with Julian?" she then asks him.

"Oh, my, God, it's like every time I try to get to know the guy, he does something that makes it really hard to. All I know is that he dislikes meta-humans about as much as he dislikes me." He tells her.
"Well try and look at things from his perspective. He might have a reason to dislike you that you don't know anything about." Katrina says as she takes their lunch out.

"Did you just hit me with a Joe-ism?" Barry asks her.
"Sometimes he's right, sometimes he's not" she smiles at him. "Oh, and speaking of Joe, I saw him talking to DA Cecile again. He blew off another date with her" she says.
"I don't know, maybe he's not into her" Barry says as he eats some fries.

"I'm pretty sure he's into her. When Iris asked him about her the other day, he basically told her to buzz off." She tells him.
"You and her are not too good a buzzing off, are you two?" he asks her.
"Not really, when it comes to Joe, no" she says as she eats her fries.

Just then Barry's cell phone starts to buzz, "Well, look who it is" he says showing her a text from Julian.  "Looks like I have an opportunity to see things from Julian's perspective... right now. Sorry about lunch I got to go" he says to her.
"Want me to come along, might make things a little easier" she says.

"No, no, you stay here, and finish lunch" he says, "I can handle him, for a bit without you" he then gives her a quick kiss and leaves.
"What do you got?" Barry asks as he walks up to Julian.
"I said get here quick, but that was... quicker than I expected" Julian says to him.

"Oh, no, yeah, it was a... crazy Uber driver" Barry lies to him.
"Hmm, well, the blast pattern and the scoring on the insulation suggests that it was a power surge that blew it out" Julian explains.
"So, it's a coincidence?" Barry says.

"I highly doubt it. But I'll figure it out. Someone in this city has to do something about these metas." Julian then says.
"What do you mean?" Barry asks. "We have the whole police force working to stop these metas." He adds.

"No, you have The Flash and Bolt" Julian says.
"So, it's not just bad metas you don't like. It's all the metas." Barry says.
"I'm just saying that because of them, the police department has got lethargic. I mean, why do anything at all if The Flash and Bolt are gonna save the day every time?" Julian says to Barry, who stands up smiling, "It's a bit like you with rule breaking—a momentary fix, and now you're lazy, sloppy" Julian says.

"Cool, thanks" Barry comments. "I think The Flash and Bolt are actually a source of inspiration for the city. I think they kind of provide hope." He goes on to say.
"Yes, well, that's one of many things, that we'll have to disagree on, Allen" Julian says as he then looks around.

"What?" Barry asks, "You see something?"
"A pattern" Julian tells him. "The creature's movements, they seemed random at first, but they were contained to a prescribed area. You know, like the creature was stuck in an invisible fence." He goes on.

Barry then looks around, "Traffic cameras were down, right? Maybe it was being watched or controlled by somebody that needed to keep it in visual range the entire time?" he says.
"Constricting the creature's movements to the line of sight" Julian mentions, and Barry looks at him, "That actually makes sense. Maybe there is a brain in there after all, Allen" he says to him, as they then hear car alarms going off.

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