13- Hindu

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Season 3 x 7

Katrina and Barry get knocked down from what they had been chasing. Joe comes running up to them, "You all right?" he asks them.
Katrina then rolls onto her side, and she sees Wally walking toward the stone, "Wally! No!" she cries out.

"Wally, don't!" Joe calls out to him.
"Wally!" Barry screams out as him and Katrina get back up and watch as Wally touches the stone. They watch in horror as a cocoon forms around Wally's body. Before Barry and Katrina can do anything, something grabs Barry, and Katrina looks to see a monster holding Barry against the ceiling.

"Who are you?" Barry asks

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"Who are you?" Barry asks.
"Savitar" it replies, "The God of Speed" it says as he then raises a bladed finger, and Barry and Katrina look at the monster in shock.  "You may serve the speed force, Flash, but I rule it" Savitar says to Barry, as his followers hold onto Joe and Katrina. Katrina was still too weak to try and use her speed to get away, and she was too scared of this monster to try and help Barry. "You are only a man, but I am a God. Your God. I am Savitar." He says to Barry, as Joe then fights back the man that was holding him. Joe attacks the man that had been holding Katrina, and they are knocked away.

Joe takes out his gun" Shoot it" Katrina tells him.
"I can't see it" Joe shouts.
"Just do it" Barry grunts out. Joe lets off a few shots but it does nothing, as he then sees Alchemy trying to escape.

"Alchemy!" Joe calls out.
"Let's go for a run" Savitar says to Barry, and Katrina watches as Barry disappears.
"Guys, guys, I can't find Barry" Katrina says to the team.

"I don't understand the suit's tracker must be malfunctioning. It says he's appearing and reappearing all over the city at once, and that's impossible. He can't be moving that fast" Cisco says.

"Whatever took Barry is making it happen. Tell me when it stops please" Katrina says as she then races off through the city trying to find Barry and Savitar.
"It stopped, he's at the waterfront" Cisco informs Katrina and she races down there, where she finds Barry laying on the ground.

"Still alive down there. You are only a shadow beneath my throne. You are the past, whereas I—" Savitar picks Barry up, "I am the future Flash" he says as he goes to stab Barry, Katrina sees Cisco and Caitlin appear from a breach. 

Katrina rushes over to them, "Please help him" she cries.
"I can't see it" Caitlin says to her.
"Right in front of Barry" Katrina tells her, and Caitlin then uses her powers and causes ice to go all over Savitar. They then see the monster that Katrina and Barry had been seeing and look in shock. Savitar seems frozen but it only lasts a moment, as he breaks the ice and he speeds away dropping Barry. Katrina then runs up to Barry, and looks down at him, worry going through her body.

"Whoo-ee. Ahh. Oh, boy. I'm gonna feel that tomorrow" Cisco says as Katrina helps Barry get up. "That was a new and painful use of my powers" he says coming over to Barry and Katrina.  "You okay?" he asks Barry,
"Yeah, I'm okay, just cold" Barry says and Katrina then holds Barry close, "Thanks for coming" he says to Cisco and Caitlin.

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