12- Kind Of Powers

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After taking care of Shade, the team heads back to STAR labs, where Iris tells them all about what had happened to Wally while they were gone. "He was possessed. Alchemy was calling for him" she tells them.
"I knew I shouldn't have left" Joe then says.

"It's okay, Joe nothing happened" Barry says.
"He's not okay, Barry" Joe says to him. "This thing's coming after him, and—and there ain't a damn thing we can do?" he says.
"Well, we managed to stop Shade, so now we will be able to focus on Alchemy, okay" Katrina says to him.

"Unless he sends another meta to Central City to attack. Then we're in trouble." H.R says to them all.
"You think Shade was a distraction?" Iris asks him.
"I agree with Iris; I think the attack on Wally and the attack by Shade happened at essentially the same time. So that's not a coincidence."  H.R says.

"If that's true, that means Alchemy's gonna be sending another one of his metas soon" Joe then says.
"We don't know that" Barry says to Joe.
"Barry, we found six husks. So, beside Shade, Magenta and Clariss, there's still three unaccounted for." Joe says.

"If there are more out there, we will stop them. For right now Alchemy can't get Wally if he stays in that cell" Katrina tells Joe.
"Kat, we can't just let Wally suffer in there. And besides burying our head in the sand is not gonna make Alchemy go away" Iris says to her.

"Ignoring the problem does not get rid of it. You have to face it" Cisco then says as he looks at Caitlin. "Don't we" he says to her, and she shakes her head.
"What?" Barry asks him.

"Nothing" Caitlin quickly says.
"Come on, Caitlin" Cisco then says to her.
"Not right now, Cisco" she says back to him.
"I—just—I can't just keep this in" Cisco stammers.
"Cisco, don't" Katrina then says to him as she understands what he was trying to do.
"She has to tell them" he says to Katrina.
"Tell them what?" Joe then asks, as the rest of the team looks at Caitlin.

Caitlin looks at them all and she takes off the damper cuffs, "I have powers" she tells them.
"What?" Joe asks confused.
"What kind of powers?" Iris asks.

Caitlin then holds her hands up and shows them, ice crackling from her hands, "The cold kind" she tells them all

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Caitlin then holds her hands up and shows them, ice crackling from her hands, "The cold kind" she tells them all. Caitlin makes it stop and looks at Cisco, "happy now" she says anger in her voice.

"So, what, we're just gonna keep secrets from each other?" Cisco says to her.
"Yeah, well, this wasn't your secret to tell, was it, Cisco? At least Katrina could keep it" Caitlin says to him.
"I did that because I care about you" Cisco says to her.
"If you cared about me, then you would have let me tell them all when I was ready. Because this is happening to me, not you. I'm the one turning evil. I'm the one who's gonna have to leave soon" Caitlin says to him, hurt in her words, as she then walks away.

"I vibed the two of us fighting each other in the future." Cisco then says to them all, "She was Killer Frost" he adds.
"I'll go talk to her" H.R then says.
"I got it, Kat, could you come too" Barry says looking at Katrina, and she nods following Barry out of the cortex.

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