23- In Trouble

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Season 3 x 10

Katrina lays in bed in the new apartment with Barry, when she wakes up to him tossing and turning, and he gasps as he wakes up. "Hey... hey honey you okay?" Katrina sleepily asks Barry as she reaches out to him.

"Yeah...yeah just a bad dream" he tells her as he rolls overs and kisses her on the forehead, "Go back to sleep" he adds as he gets up from bed.
"I would, if I wasn't wide awake, after you were screaming in your sleep. You want to talk to me about it?" Katrina asks him.

"No, you know what I wanna do?" he says as he lays back down in the bed beside her, "I wanna unpack. It's been a month" he tells her.
"Don't try and change the subject with me Bartholomew" Katrina says to him.

"Bartholomew? Am I in trouble?" he asks her.
"This is the third night in a row" she says to him.

  "I know something else that's happened three nights in a row" he says smiling as he moves closer to her

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"I know something else that's happened three nights in a row" he says smiling as he moves closer to her. Just then their cells both go off, and they reach over and look, "it's a fire" Barry says.

"At Richmond Heights" Katrina says to him, "If we don't go, Wally's gonna beat us there" she says to him. Barry stares at her, "What?" she asks him.
"I just... I just really love you, and you can stay here, Wally and I got this" he says as he kisses her, and then he speeds away, as Katrina sighs laying in the bed.

Barry and Wally arrive at the fire, and can hear a man calling out for help, "We gotta get him out of here" Wally says to Barry, "This place is up in flames any second"
"You see this soot around this door?" Barry says to Wally.
"Yeah" Wally says.

"Cause the fire has no ventilation, so if we open this door now, the sudden inrush of oxygen will cause an explosion" Barry explains to Wally.
"Okay so what do we do?" Wally asks.
"Create an exit point for the heat and smoke and remove all oxygen at the same time." Barry tells him.

"Which will put out the fire" Wally says as the man continues to cry out for help.
"When I say so, open the door, all right?" Barry tells him as he starts to create a windblast with his arm, "Now" Barry says and Wally opens the door. Barry is able to create enough wind to cause the fire to go out. Barry takes the detective out of the building and bring him out to the car, "Flash, thanks" the detective says to him.

Barry and Wally arrive back at STAR Labs, "Oh, man, that was so dope. How do you stay so calm? You're like scary calm in the middle of a fight" Wally says to Barry as they walk up the hall.
"It's just experience, Wally" Barry says to him.
"Also learning from me" Katrina smiles at the boys as she goes up to them. "That's why its also important that you continue to shadow Barry and I for a while, try and learn everything we know. I mean, I've had much more experience than Barry" she smiles.

"Ha-ha" Barry says to her.
"And then I get to kick some ass" Wally says to them as they enter the cortex.
"Let me give you some advice, Wally." Cisco says walking up to him, "Being a superhero's not about kicking ass. Well...nope, actually that's a straight-up lie. There's a lot of ass-kicking involved." Cisco says.

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