40- Kadbra

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Changing into their suits, Barry, Katrina and Wally arrive to see Caitlin impaled with a piece of rebar. Barry and Wally both help get her to the infirmary, "Okay, okay, easy" Julian says as they help get her to the bed.

"Come on" Barry says.
"Gentle, gently" Julian tells them on handling Caitlin who was holding her sweater on her wound trying to stop the bleeding. "The, um, the-hand me the handheld x-ray machine, grab it for us, would you, please?" he then instructs.
"Yeah" Katrina says grabbing it and bringing it to Julian.

"Good, good" Julian says taking it from her, "remove it" he then says to Caitlin and she moves the sweater.
"How bad is it?" Caitlin groans out in pain.
"Uh, it's bad" Julian says as he brings the x-ray up on the monitor. "It's bad, there's quite a few pieces of shrapnel inside you, and they look deep enough to pierce your kidney if they're not removed immediately" he tells her as Cisco goes back to putting pressure on the wound.

"Guys, we got to get her to a hospital" Iris then says.
"We can't, they're gonna ID her as a meta" Cisco tells her.
"And not just any meta" Wally then says.
"Yeah, one that we have a file on for attacking CCPD" Joe adds.

"Then what are we going to do? None of us are doctors and she can't operate on herself" Iris says.
"We do have another option" Cisco says looking at Caitlin.
"What is it?" Joe asks.

"When Caitlin goes meta, her metabolic rate offsets cold tissue destruction" Cisco explains.
"She can regenerate?" Barry asks.
"No, we're not gonna take off my necklace. I don't need a hospital. All I need is a mirror and a steady set of hands." Caitlin winces out, as she looks at Julian, "You were a field medic in the Royal Army, right?"

"What? No, I-I-I've never operated on anyone before" he tells her.
"That's okay, I'll walk you through it." She tells him.
"Caitlin, you're talking about staying awake during your own surgery" he says to her.

"Caitlin, you're talking about staying awake during your own surgery" he says to her

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"I'm putting my life in your hands. I trust you, Julian." She tells him and he nods at her.

"I can help, I have some experience from helping Bruce and Dick with some pretty bad injuries" Katrina says as she speeds out of her suit and back to normal clothes.

Julian and Katrina put on scrubs, gowns and gloves, "Ready?" Caitlin asks Julian once they had her prepped.

"Ready as I'll ever be" Julian tells her as Katrina passes her the scissor tweezers.

"Okay, let's start with the shrapnel on the surface" Caitlin tells Julian.

"Okey-dokey" Julian says as he takes a deep breath, "Just let me know if I do any...thing wrong, okay?" he tells her, as he then starts to remove pieces, and Caitlin groans out in pain. "Okay, that's the first, bit well done" Julian says placing the shrapnel in the bowl, as Katrina uses gauze to control the bleeding. Just then Caitlin starts to bleed more, "Is there usually that much blood?" Iris then asks seeing it.

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