25- An astronaut

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Season 3 x 11

Katrina stayed back at the lab, letting Barry handle the thieves, and allowing Wally to get some fieldwork in. She stands there with the others as they track Barry, H.R quietly recording more for his stories, as Cisco calls out to him. "H.R, Barry needs help" he says.

"I'm not the one going out there tonight remember?" Katrina then says to him.
"Yeah, Barry, needs help" H.R then says.
"Where's Kid Flash?" Caitlin asks him.

"He's on his way, are you on your way?" H.R says, "They need you at Keystone Bridge" he informs Wally.
"Surely all your adventures are not all this disorganized?" Julian asks Cisco.
"There's a method to the madness, mate. Watch and learn" Cisco says back mimicking a British accent.

"Looks like the Electric Gang is headed north" Katrina then says, "Barry you need to cut them off before they reach the freeway" she then tells him.
"Got it, Kitty Kat" Barry replies back and they all look at Katrina.
"Aww you guys have cute nicknames for each other" Caitlin smiles at her.
"You guys probably weren't supposed to hear that" Katrina then says back.

B kid arry races down the street toward the gang as the shot out the back windows of their vehicle and start to fire at him

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B kid arry races down the street toward the gang as the shot out the back windows of their vehicle and start to fire at him. Just then Wally appears beside him, "Oh, hey" Barry says to him.
"How you wanna play this?" Wally asks him.
"I have an idea" Barry tells him.  While Barry manages to distract the gang by running behind them trying to create illusions of himself. Wally appears up beside the vehicle, and breaks the front drivers window, pulling on the steering wheel. He manages to cause the car to swerve and it comes to a stop against a wall, where they are all knocked out.  Barry runs up to the car surveying what they had done, "Nice work. They're out cold" he says to Wally as the police arrive.

Just then the cheerleaders on the bus that the gang was about to crash on, come out, "They saved us" one girl says.
"Who are you" another asks looking at them.
Wally looks at Barry who nods at him, "Umm.... I'm Kid Flash" Wally tells them.

"Oh, my gosh. Can we get your picture?" one of the girls asks.
"Yes" Wally says as he goes over to the group and they take a picture with him.

The next day they go into STAR Labs, Barry smiling at Wally as the boys enter, "Nice save!" H.R says to Wally, "Could not have scripted it better myself" he adds.
"Thanks" Wally says high giving H.R., "But Barry did most of the heavy lifting" he adds.
"B.A" H.R says to Barry.
"Yes, bravo, boys. Although I did find at least six ways you could have done it more efficiently, if Katrina had been out there away well, just-just saying" Julian says as he sees them looking at him.

"I mean, the busload of hot cheerleaders seemed to like the way that we did things" Wally then says.
"Oh, that's going in the book. You know what? I'm running low; let me buy you a cup of coffee over at CC Jitters" H.R says to Wally and they make their way to leave. "Bone, are you coming?" H.R says to Julian.

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