20- Life being full

970 22 4

Central City 2016

The team is still talking to the government agent, "If you're such BFFs with the Dominators" Sara says.
"Then why don't you call them off?" Oliver asks.
"We know you sent them packing before, back in 1951" Ray says to him.
"That was just a reconnaissance mission" the man tells them.

"What brought them back?" Barry asks.
"You did Mr. Allen" he says to Barry.
"He knows who you are" Ray says surprised.
"You threatened the entire universe when you used your powers to upset the normal course of time" he tells Barry.
"Flashpoint, how do you know about that?" Katrina asks the man.
"They told us" he says referring to the Dominators.

"I made a mistake. Okay? I'm not gonna let it happen again" Barry tells him.
"For the past sixty years, we have enjoyed a truce with your so-called Dominators. You broke that truce" the agent tells them.
"What do they want?" Oliver asks.
"I've negotiated a deal with them. If Mr. Allen surrenders himself... they will leave us in peace. You really want to save the world? Here's your chance" he says looking at Barry.

Meanwhile the Waverider lands behind the hanker, "I can't see, why can't I see?" Felicity says worried

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Meanwhile the Waverider lands behind the hanker, "I can't see, why can't I see?" Felicity says worried.
"At least you're not throwing up" Cisco says, and he spoke too soon as she does just that.  "Oh" he remarks. Just then the transponder in Cisco's hand starts to go off.
"What's it doing?" Nate asks.

"I don't know. Either our food is ready or this guy's trying to call us. Hey, how... how do... How do I answer? I.." he sets the transponder down pressing a button, and a hologram of the Dominator appears.
"Hey, Oh, my God. It's him" Cisco says recognizing it as the one that they rescued.
"He's even uglier than the last time we saw him" Mick remarks.

"Sixty-Five of your years ago, you saved me from capture" the Dominator says.
"Listen, you don't need to thank us" Cisco says.
"Yeah, he does, He can thank us by turning around and heading home" Mick says.
"I will show you my gratitude by sparing your lives, but I cannot do the same for Barry Allen. If your friend does not turn himself in, we will have no choice but to deploy a weapon that will exterminate all meta-humans" it tells them before ending the transmission.

Inside the hanger they all discuss what the Dominator had told them, "It's a trap" Sara remarks.
"It they're that threatened by meta-humans, it's hard to believe they'd be satisfied with just one" Ray mentions.
"Yeah, well, if I know Barry, he's gonna want to be that one" Cisco says to them.
"Yeah, well, Kat and Oliver are trying to talk him out of it" Sara says to them.
"And if he does what's the collateral damage of the meta-bomb?" Nate asks.

"Projected casualty count is around 2 million non-meta-humans" Cisco tells him.
"Okay, so what if we negotiated with them?" Nate then asks.
"Yeah, I don't know if you noticed, but our last chat with him didn't go so well" Cisco says.
"Well, what've we got to lose?" Nate asks.
"Look, maybe we should contact them" Sara suggests.
"Then make it fast" they hear John say as him and Jax enter the hanger, "We've got incoming" he adds.

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