26-You Are

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Katrina heads off to Cisco's workshop knowing that was where H.R was packing when she spots Barry. "Hey, you talk to Iris?" he asks her.
"Uh, yeah...yep I did" she tell him.
"And?" he asks her as they head to the workshop.
"She's not making any promises but she said she'd think about it" Katrina tells him.

They enter the doorway to hear H.R talking to Cisco, "I was a fraud, that is why I came to this Earth, so I could rewrite my story, bot literally and figuratively" H.R says.
"There's gotta be something you can go, H.R." Barry says to him.
H.R chuckles, "there's not" he says.
"Can't you hire a lawyer, possible appeal the case?" Katrina asks him.

"There's nothing I can do, K.W" he shouts at her, "I don't mean to snap at you. It's just—I don't have any options here, all right? Unless, of course, I appeal for trail by combat" he tells them, and Cisco, Barry and Katrina all share a look. Just then the intercom goes off, "Guys, Gypsy's here." They hear Caitlin saying.
"Always so punctual" H.R remarks as he leaves the room.

The four of them head outside the building to see Gypsy standing there, "I'm impressed! Thought you'd try and flee again. Time to go" Gypsy says to H.R.
H.R clears his throat as he walks up to her, "All right, Gypsy, take me home" H.R says to her.
"Wait" Barry calls out, "You're not taking him anywhere" he adds.

"What?" H.R asks.
"Why not?" Gypsy asks.
"Because I challenge you to trial by combat" Cisco suddenly says.
"What are you doing ?" Barry asks him.
"I'm challenging her to trial by combat" Cisco explains as H.R then steps back toward them.

"No, no he's not. Okay, I am" Barry then says, "I'm gonna fight you" he adds.
"Well, that one spoke first" Gypsy says looking at Cisco.
"Really, that is a real rule? I mean I have heard of it before but never believed it" Katrina then says.

"By the laws of Earth-19, I hereby challenge you for possession of H.R Wells" Cisco says as he steps toward Gypsy. "If you want, we can solve this another way. There's a great spot for drinks—"
"You realize trail by combat is to the death?" Gypsy says to him.

"Yeah, for the loser" he says to her and she laughs, "Listen, you want him? You're gonna have to come claim him" he says.
"Hmm" Gypsy says.
"That's Arwen" he turns to look back at H.R, Barry and Kat, "That's-Arwen" he adds.
"I take it you also want the customary 24 hours to prepare?" she says to Cisco.

He chuckles, "Do I want the customary...?"
"Yes, you do" H.R, Barry and Kat all say together.
"I would love to take advantage of the customary 24 hours, if you don't mind." Cisco says to Gypsy.

"Very well. One day" Gypsy says.
"One day" he says back.
"See you then" she says as she creates a breach and leaves.

Cisco turns back, facing the others, "She's gonna kill me, isn't she?" he says.
"Umm, so you guys got this handled, I need to go umm help clean up some things at CCPD, then I am going to head home and prepare my first story" Katrina says to the boys.

"You sure?" Barry asks her.
"Yeah, papers I need to sign for my resignation" Katrina says. "I will see you later okay" she kisses Barry on the cheek, "You've got this Cisco" she smiles at him, as she then walks away.

Katrina leaves for CCPD, texting Wally and Iris to meet her there, and she heads off for the precinct. She gets there, and waits for the siblings to arrive, knowing that it would at least take Iris a bit. After a few seconds Wally arrives, "Getting much faster" she smiles at Wally.

"Oh yeah, I think I'm as fast as you now" he says to her,
"Don't tell Barry that" Katrina smiles at him, as they see Iris appear.
"Sorry I'm not a speedster" she smiles at them.
"Maybe one day" Katrina jokes with her, "Come on" she says to them.

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