9- Speed Things Up

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Season 3 x 5

Barry speeds around Cisco's apartment, cleaning up and cooking breakfast, "Yo!" he says when he sees Cisco standing there.
"You know you don't need to do this every morning, right?" Cisco tells him.

'Oh, come on, it's the least I can do.  I mean, I love Joe, but at some point, man needs his own space, and until I find my own space, that means your space. So as a token of my appreciation," Barry speeds the breakfast to Cisco, "two eggs over easy, bacon, toast, - I can't remember do you like it buttered or not?" Barry asks him holding two pieces of toast in his hands.

"Barry, sometimes a man just wants to butter his own bread." Cisco tells him.
"Okay, sorry. I was just—Yeah, no, you're right, I" Barry stammers.
"Look, don't get it twisted, okay? I love having you here. You're a great guest. I'm not sure how I feel about our other visitor, though" Cisco says.

"Wells?" Barry asks, as he passes Cisco his toast.
"Please call me H.R" Cisco says.
"So, you don't like him?" Barry asks.
"Oh, it's not so much that I don't like him. I just—the way he says things, there's something about him. I don't know what it is" Cisco tells him.

"Dude, he's only been here a few days; let him settle in. I know we've had our Wells issues in the past, but you can't just stop trusting everybody or giving them chances.  You know? You can't live like that" Barry tells him.
"This is true. Wise words from a wise man" Cisco says.
"Joe Knowledge" Barry says.

"I'm gonna take this to go" Cisco says to Barry.
"Okay, all right" Barry says to him.
"Uh, I'll see you there" Cisco tells him.
"Oh, I can take you" Barry offers.
"No, no" Cisco is quick to say to him, "I'm gonna drive myself today" he tells him.
"Yeah, cool. Cool" Barry says as Cisco walks away.

Katrina is getting ready in her apartment, when her cell starts ringing, she picks it up and is surprised at seeing its Cisco. She hits the answer button, putting him on speaker, "Hey Cisco, what's up?" she asks him.

"You need to get Barry to move in with you" he tells her.
"Cisco, we... Barry and I, we haven't really talked about that" Katrina says to him.
"He's making me breakfast, Kat, you'd think I was the one dating him" Cisco says to her.
"Cisco, cut him some slack, he just moved out of Joe's and he is trying to find his own place" Katrina tells him.

"Well, could you help him speed things up" he remarks when she hears her front door buzzer.
"Cisco, I will talk to him, I promise" Katrina says as she then hits the buzzer button, in a matter of seconds there is a knock on her door.
"I hope you do, cause I don't know if I can stand anymore breakfast's or offers to take me to the Lab" Cisco says, and Katrina just smiles.

"Okay then Cisco, I will talk to him, see you in a bit" she says as she then ends the call. Katrina then opens the door and sees Barry standing there, "Sorry I was on the phone" she tells him.
"Oh, yeah with who?" he asks her.

"Uh, it was... it was umm, it was Cisco." She tells him.
"What did Cisco want?" he asks her.
"Nothing, it's nothing, we should probably head over to the lab" she says to him.
"He wants me to hurry up and get my own place, and he talked to you" he says to her.
'What, no he didn't. It was about HR, and how he doesn't like him" she says to him.
"Sure" he says to her, "Let's go" he then says to her.

Katrina and Barry stood in the cortex with Iris, Cisco and Wally as music played, HR lifts napkins off plates of food he has placed. "Sumptuous day" he says to them all. "Oh, no, on this Earth, I believe you say..." he says.

"Good Morning" Cisco tells him.
"Good Morning" HR says. "And it is, isn't it? I mean...." He then taps his drum stick, "The music on your Earth, well, it strikes a chord, no pun intended. Please, help yourself. I find a crew works best, when it's well-fed, and well-rested." He goes on to say to them.

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