14- Blackmail

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Getting back to STAR Labs, Katrina and Barry switch out of their suits. Iris helps Katrina wrap up her leg as Katrina helps Barry with his leg. She finishes wrapping it and looks at Barry, "How much is it hurting?" she asks him.
"As much as I deserve" he tells her, as Joe comes walking in.
"Okay, let me know" they hear him saying as he ends his phone call.

"They took Julian to County General. He's still out cold. How hard did you hit him?" Joe asks Barry.
"I don't know, I didn't mean to knock him out' Barry says as he goes to put his shoe back on, "or maybe I did" he adds as he gets up from the bed. Barry then walks out seeing Cisco, "Cisco, hey man, um... what Caitlin said" Barry says as he goes near him.

"Was she lying?" Cisco asks.
"No, um..." Barry says.
"You're sorry" Cisco asks and Barry sighs, "that you killed my brother? Cause he was here. He was alive... until you created Flashpoint," he pokes Barry in the chest, "until you did this" Cisco says shoving Barry.

"I know, man" is all Barry says.
"I don't even know how to feel right now. All I know is Caitlin is out there, and we need to find her. Can we do that?" Cisco asks him.
"Yeah" Barry tells him.
"I hacked Julian's computer" Cisco says as he goes over to the computers, "Caitlin had him look up two addresses: 16 Hawthorne Avenue and 1104 Truman Place" he tells the team.

"She's trying to find the acolytes; I was trying to say" H.R says.
"What exactly would she want with Alchemy's followers?" Iris then asks.
"She is probably thinking that they can take her to Alchemy. She wants Alchemy to take her powers away from her" Katrina tells her.
"We know, we heard everything" Cisco says. "Well two acolytes, two addresses. Which one's she gonna hit first?" he then says.
"We got to watch both" Barry then says looking at Katrina.

"You're both gonna stay here. The two of you can barely walk. I'll take Hawthorne" Cisco says.
"I'll take Truman" H.R says.
"I care about Caitlin, but I don't want to leave Wally." Joe says.
"Joe, go, Barry, Iris and I can stay with Wally. You go with H.R" Katrina tells him.

"Oh, yeah, I would love that" H.R says as he goes to Joe, "You and me—all-star team up, huh? All right, you know what? I'll make a couple of cappuccinos for the road, right, so we're ready for tonight's adventures. Hey, not to worry, Barry, Kat, right? We'll help her." H.R. says as he leaves the cortex, Joe giving them a not so thrilled look as he follows.

Cisco then starts to follow, but Barry calls out to him, "Cisco, if you find her" Barry says.
"I won't call you. You've done enough" Cisco says as he walks away.
Katrina and Iris both look at Barry seeing the hurt on his face, as Katrina goes up to him and wraps her arms around him holding him close.

Later, Barry, Iris and Katrina are all sitting in the one room keeping an eye on Wally's cocoon, when suddenly something starts to beep. "What is that?" Iris asks, as they get up and go over to the monitor.
"It's the satellite" Katrina says as her and Barry both groans, their leg still hurting as they walk.

"It's programmed to monitor rapid temperature decelerations" Barry says as they see where it had pin-pointed.
"It's the house Cisco is watching" Katrina says.
"Oh, God" Iris says.
"I'll... I'll text him" Katrina says as she goes and texts Cisco.

"We need to go help him" Barry says.
"Barry, Kat, you are still hurt" Iris says.
"They're our friends Iris, we have to help" Katrina says to her as Barry and Katrina both change into their suits and take off for the house. Arriving slower then they usually do they see Caitlin, shooting icicles at Cisco. She sees them coming and start to attack the two speedsters and they duck behind a nearby truck. Running out they try to run at her, as she creates ice on the street, and they both slip and fall. Katrina and Barry come to a stop near Caitlin as she walks up between the two of them and looks down at, "How's the legs?" she asks them. Barry looks at her then using his other leg, he kicks Caitlin, and she falls down, landing hard beside Barry.

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