16-So Much Worse

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Barry and Katrina are suited up, and meet up with Oliver, when Jax and Martin approach them, "Before we start training, there's something you need to hear." Jax says.
"A message that would be better if we could share with you in private" Martin says.

"All right, Kat and I will step away" Oliver says.
"No, no it's fine you two can stay." Barry says to them.
"All right, but no one else" Martin says to him.
"All right" Barry says looking at the others getting ready, "Let's make it quick" he says. The three of them then follow Martin and Jax, and the head to one of the STAR Lab mobile lab vehicles.

Martin then takes out a device and presses the play button, "A war is coming, Captain Hunter, and at some point, you're gonna be called back to Central City to fight it. So, you need to know that while you and your team have been in the temporal zone, I made a choice that affected the timeline. As you know, whenever you alter the past, those changed affect the present and get compounded in the future. When you return, you will be in the new timeline I created, where everyone's past and everyone's future had been affected including yours. When you come back, don't trust anything or anyone. Not even me" they hear Barry's voice on the recording.

"Where did you get that from?" Barry asks.
"We found it in a secret room inside the Waverider. It was sent by you, 40 years from now" Jax explains.
"40 years from now? Barry, what the hell does this mean?" Oliver asks.
"It means I screwed things up when I changed the past" Barry says.
"What did you do?" Martin asks him.

Barry looks up at Katrina for a second, and she places her hand on his shoulder, "I went back in time, I saved my mom. I created a timeline where she's alive. It's called Flashpoint. I lived in it for a few months, until I realized that I made a big mistake, and I tried to reset the timeline, put things back to how they were supposed to be, but—" Barry explains.
"It didn't work" Jax says.
"No" Barry says.
"Wow" Oliver then says, "Barry, that's...." he is speechless.

"So, what's changed since you did this?" Martin then asks.
"Cisco's brother is dead. Caitlin has powers. Katrina is now the complete owner of Wayne Enterprises, and her mom was killed by Reverse-Flash, Diggle has a son now instead of a daughter" Barry explains.
"What? John had a daughter" Oliver says to him.

"I didn't just screw up my life, man. I screwed up everybody's lives and, apparently, everybody's lives in the future. It felt like, when these aliens got here, that finally something happened that I didn't cause, and maybe I could make up for everything I'd done to everybody, but I—" Barry stops talking.

"I think we should be on the up and up with everybody. We got to tell 'em" Jax then says.
"We're going up against a bunch of aliens, and you want to tell people that their lives might have been affected by time travel? One sci-fi problem at a time." Oliver says to Jax. "You made a mistake, Barry. It's part of the job. But we can't deal with it today" Oliver tells him as he leaves. Jax and Katrina follow him out, as does Barry.

As Professor Stein goes to leave after them, he suddenly gets flashes of memories in his mind, "Professor Stein, are you okay?" Caitlin comes into the lab asking.
"I'm not sure" he says looking at her, "Ms. Snow, would you mind accompanying me to my home? There's something I need to do." He says to her.
"Sure" she says to him.

As they all leave the mobile lab, they see the team already going at it with Kara.
"She really is a badass" Thea groans as she gets up.
"Yeah, it's kind of hot" Sara says smiling.
"Let's go again" Olive instructs them all, and everyone rushes at Kara.

Back at STAR Labs, Wally sees his test results on the monitors, not happy that they have all been lying to him. "Hey, son" Joe says as he enters the speed lab seeing Wally.

"I don't understand, Dad" Wally says to him, "No one in this family wants me to have powers. You don't Barry doesn't, I think Kat doesn't, even Iris. According to this, everything's fine with me. In fact, everything is better than fine." He says to Joe as Iris then walks in, "What did you run back to make sure I didn't see these?" he says and she looks at the monitors, "I'm faster than you now, remember? Whether you or Barry and Kat, or anyone likes it or not" he says as he goes to leave.

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