45- Call Me Bart

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Season 3 x 21

Barry stands there before himself, "It's like looking in a mirror. Well...not quite" the other Barry says pointing to his disfigured face.
"You're not so scary without your armor" Barry says to him.
"What can I say? I outgrew red." The other Barry says.

"I know what you are. You're a time remnant" Barry says to him.
"A temporal duplicate. Created when you run back in time and meet yourself. You brought a remnant to life last year to defeat Zoom. Your duplicate died saving the multiverse, and you continued your happy little life. And it would've stayed that way, but then you decided to play God. You created Flashpoint and changed everything." The Time Remnant Barry says.

"I went to the future. My future self told me that he created time remnants to stop you. But you slaughtered them all." Barry says to him.
"All but one. Me. I lived. But a funny thing happened when I did. You. Joe. Wally, Iris, Cisco. You all shunned me because I wasn't the true Barry Allen. I was an aberration. A disposable hero. Future you failed to mention that, didn't he?" he says to Barry.

"How did you become Savitar?" Barry asks him.
"I was broken and alone. I wanted the pain to end. And that's when I realized the truth, Barry. God feels no pain. All I had to do was become one. And I only need two more things: for Kat to die so that you are driven so far into the dark that I can be born" he explains to Barry.

  And I only need two more things: for Kat to die so that you are driven so far into the dark that I can be born" he explains to Barry

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"And the other?" Barry asks him.
"It may sound ironic given who I'm talking to, but I'll keep that one to myself." He says to him.
Barry then lifts his hand up and vibrates it, "What happens if I kill myself? If I die, then you'll never be created" he says.

"Cause and effect's a tricky thing. Didn't work so well for Eddie, did it? Shot himself in the chest—Thawne's still kicking around. See, that's the thing about time travel, Barry. The ore you do it, the less the rules apply to you" the time remnant Barry tells him.
"But us having this conversation now, we're changing the future." Barry says to him.

"Are we? My ascendancy is nearing. When I have control of all of time, it will be you who is abandoned and forgotten" the Time Remnant Barry says angrily to Barry. He turns to walk away and Barry speeds over to him hitting him in the face, making him go flying back.

He grabs the Time Remnant by the neck, putting him in a choke hold, "You're gonna die right here" Barry says angrily at him
"I forgot to tell you, my suit's cooler than yours" time remnant Barry says to him, as the Savitar suit moves on its own and grabs Barry. It tosses Barry across the ground, and goes to attack him. He evades the hits, as he hits it. Time Remnant Barry then runs into the suit and starts to speed around in a circle, as Barry gets up from the ground and does the same thing. They then run at one another tossing lighting bolts at each other and the blast sends them both flying backwards.

The next day the team gathers at STAR Labs, where Barry informs them about his discovery of Savitar's true identity. "How can this be possible?" Katrina asks.
"I don't understand, how could Savitar be you?" Joe then asks as they all were still trying to grasp this information.

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