Part 2

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Soft warm lips pressed against mine, a familiar feeling and I intuitively knew who was kissing my lips. Part of me wanted to push her away, but it was enticing, and I let her continue to kiss me and I finally reciprocated the kiss back. A familiar hum, tongues dancing with one another and then the shifting of bodies. I realised that I was still dressed in my clothes from the night before, so as I pressed down on her sex, a moan escaped and rattled off my lips. I knew I should stop but part of me was fighting it. To have her, to desire her, and as I kissed down her neck, her hips arched, and I knew that she wanted me.

Clothes were quickly shed and the trail of kisses along her soft, warm inviting body and her fingers threading through my hair as I explored her body. A body that I was so familiar with, every scar, every sensitive spot, where I've marked her, where I've never marked her. As I made my journey further south, seeing her glisten with arousal, I poked out my tongue and slowly ran it up her folds and the moan of pleasure escaping her mouth was music to my ears. I slipped further off the bed; I knew that she wanted me to strap. It was our thing. Especially if she knew I was packing last night to show off my intentions with her.

Stepping into the harness but not looking at Dani, as I knew the minute that I would look at her, last night would come back to the front of my mind and this would be lost. Getting comfortable between her legs, coating the toy with her juices, I entered her and held still for a moment in time. Then after a few minutes of teasing, deep thrusts and her hands digging in my back, Dani come undone. I slipped out straight away, out of the harness and tossed it into the bucket in the corner of the room. "What did you do that for?"

"I'm never using it again, am I?"


"No Dani. Despite all my mixed emotions that I am feeling right now, that, that was break up sex. Nothing more, nothing less." The instant hurt on her face was evident and I shook my head. "You have four hours to pack up your shit and get out. I'm going for a shower then I'll head out to allow you to gather what you need."

"I don't want to us to end, Jack."

"But you did Dani. You may not think it right now, but you did. Cheating, there is planning behind that. You fell into the arms of another woman, spent time with her...oh fuck. You probably were with her at your last conference, I'm so fucking stupid."

"I wasn't, she wasn't there. Jack, I made a huge mistake. Please don't give up on us."

"That's the thing Dani, I didn't, you did. We always talked about what would happen if one of us cheated, not that I ever thought that would happen. Hell, I was ready to make us more official now that the laws on same sex relationships have changed, but that's never going to happen now." I turned and I heard her jump off the bed, and she grabbed my wrist and stopped me heading to the bathroom.

"Please Jack, I will do anything." I knew my resolve was wavering and I would cave and then I had a flash in my mind, with her head between her girlfriends legs and that brought me back to reality.

"No. We are done. Now start packing." I shrugged her off me and went to the bathroom, trying to drown out her sobs and I honestly wanted to throw up. Showering quickly, grabbing clothes as she was slumped on the bed, I quickly got dressed and left.

I walk when I'm angry or upset, it's just something I've always done. I don't think I've been this angry or upset since my parents were killed in a car crash when I was eighteen, leaving me in charge of my younger sister, Carson. Thoughts were overwhelming me, and I kept walking and I looked up and noticed that I was heading to the pier. Hopefully, the sound of the ocean will help calm my brain down.

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