Chapter 55

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The run up to our getaway with Chelsea was a little adventurous. I got to devour my wife nearly on a daily basis, but I knew she was blocking out the thoughts of Grant, who's appeal was happening on the same week. I wasn't complaining as we christened every room in the house, even the back garden, but I decided that a conversation needed to be had. I never thought I would tell my wife no, but it came to that point and she finally broke. "I'm scared, Jack."

"I know you are. But listen to me honey..." She looked at me with her gorgeous, yet haunted eyes and I took my hands into hers. "Nothing is going to happen to you. You are safe, you are with me and there is nothing he can do that can hurt us. He can mouth off, but at the end of the day, they are just words." I pulled Ellie into my arms and held her close, offering her soothing words and although I was fighting my inner battle to go and knock the fuck out of whatever, I held my wife until her sobs subsided and she fell asleep.


"I can't believe he actually has an appeal."

"I know Carson, but everyone has a right to appeal their sentence, it would be interesting to hear what he has got to say. If he has any remorse for what he put Ellie through, but in my heart of hearts, I know that bastard does not give one shit about her. The only person he gives a damn about is himself." I had left Ellie a note to say that I had popped out to see Carson since I had to offload. I felt shitty for leaving her asleep since she was emotional, but I had to be strong for her and to do that, I needed to vent my own shit.

"I regret going to see him, but share your sentiments Jack, he is only looking out for number one. You two better be careful when Friday rolls around."

"We will be okay. We are actually leaving on Friday for a long weekend with the girls so hopefully that will distract Ellie."

"Is her sister amongst the girls?"

"Liv? Yes, she is, so if I can't get through to her, I know Liv can and we can have fun hanging out with our friends. Oh, and it wasn't Dani who gave him a character reference." Carson dropped her knife and fork on her plate and looked at me.

"Wait. Are you serious?" Deadly. It was Ellie's boss. He thought he was a nice down to earth laddie who wouldn't harm a fly. After confronting him she discovered the real reason, discrimination. So, that prompted Ellie to quit her work, stay at home for the rest of this week. It's been a long week."

"Jack, it's only Wednesday."

"Tell me about it."


I stirred and reached out for Jack, but she wasn't there. I sat up in a panic and noticed her note straight away. Opening it up, I let out a sigh of relief knowing that she had just popped to Carson's for a bit. No doubt she wants to let her stress out, vent to her sister, that I don't mind, I would have done the exact same thing. I showered quickly and got dressed and made my way downstairs to the kitchen and set up the expresso machine and patiently waited on my coffee. An hour later, Jack was home, and she looked tired, to the point of exhaustion, like she was when she was remodelling our home. "Come here." I held out my arms to her and she stepped into them, embracing me and inhaling.

"You smell like coconut." I let out a chuckled and nodded.

"I had a shower after I read your note. I'm sorry you had to leave to vent out your frustrations." Jack pulled away from me slightly and looked at me inquisitively.

"Why are you sorry? I said what I needed to say to you, I comforted you, but I had to get another perspective, and we are all in the same boat, we all know Grant is out for himself and no one else. I love you Ellie, I will fight for your happiness all the way. Do you hear me?"

"I do Jack, I do."



"Are you sure we have everything?" I asked Jack for the millionth time that morning and she let out a groan and shot me a pointed look.

"We are only going away for a long weekend Ellie, not an eternity. We are sharing a house with several women. I'm sure if we forgot anything, someone would have something we can borrow. Now can you please get your cute ass in gear and make a move." I rolled my eyes playfully at Jack and made sure that the house was okay before we locked up and set the alarm.

We were on our way to the petrol station to fill up when a news bulletin came across that a prison van had overturned, and some convicts managed to escape. I let out a tut and shook my head and continued to text Liv on my phone. We finally reached the petrol station and Jack reached over the console, grabbed her wallet, giving me a quick kiss and got out of the car. I heard the thrum of the petrol pump going, the gurgling sound as the car filled up and then the rattle to make sure that Jack didn't drip any petrol on the forecourt and disappeared inside to pay for the petrol and no doubt grab us some drinks and snacks for the journey.

I looked up as Jack stepped out, smiling at me, hands full of snacks and then her face soured. Someone had stood in her way and my heart started thudding hard in my chest. I could see Jack arguing with the person who was in front of her and then she shook her head and started to make her way over to me, trying to keep calm, but it was evident that she was anything but.

Hands grabbed her by the shoulders, the snacks fell to the floor and I let out a blood curling scream. Grant had a hold of Jack and had a sinister look in his eyes as he looked over to our car and I opened the door. "Get back in the car, Ellie." Jack screamed at me and I quickly shut the door. They scuffled and eventually Jack broke free and other passer-by's were trying their best to restrain Grant. Jack started making her way back over to the car and I let out a sigh of relief until a flash happened, screams surrounded me, and the petrol station was alight with the highest flames I had ever seen. A loud boom happened, and Jack was knocked clean off her feet and my world went black.

News Bulletin: Escaped Convict set petrol station alight, claiming many victims, count undetermined at this point, however no survivors are expected. Further updates will happen as the story develops.

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