Part 47

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It's the day before we are due to move and we have postponed our date night to make sure that we having everything packed up to move to our new home and yet, Ellie wasn't home. I checked my watch, and it was almost six o'clock and she's normally home well before now. I had a better understanding that when I was working on the house, this was the anticipation that she felt when I wasn't home on time. I wandered through the spare room, which of course, Ellie lived in briefly before setting in my room and checked the cupboard and I grabbed the small box off the floor and as I went to stand up, the front door slammed, startling me, causing me to bang my head hard off the shelf above me.

Wincing with the contact, I had dropped the box and started to rub my head, hoping that it would help soothe the ache that was now penetrating my head. "Jack?"

"Yeah?" I croaked out so that Ellie knew where I was and she stepped inside the room, worry etched over her face instantly.

"What happened?"

"Someone slammed the door hard on her arrival home and I jumped and banged my head off the shelf. Why did you slam the door?" Her face fell and then I felt bad for her.

"It's because my lawyer was in touch today. You know that Damien went to visit him?" I nodded my head, we don't have many secrets in our family, we prefer being open and transparent with one another. "Well, some idiot gave him a character reference and now they are pushing him to go to a softer jail rather than being stuck in the one he is now."

"You have got to be kidding me?" I sat down on the bed and Ellie sat down next to me sighing and shaking her head. "Do you know who has gave him the character reference." Her face went white, and I knew that she knew who spoke on behalf of Grant's character. For some reason, I knew who she was going to say, so I saved her the trouble. "It's Dani, isn't it?" Ellie nodded her head and I stood up in anger, a little too quickly, forgetting about the bang to my head and I had to sit back down.

"Easy babe. Do you want to go and get checked out, you may have a concussion or something?"

"I'm good, honestly. I just want to make sure that we are all set for tomorrow." Inside, I am damn well raging at Dani, who the hell does she think she is? I wasn't even aware that she knew Grant, maybe in passing, but not well enough to give him a character reference. I let out a small puff of air from my lips, went back to the cupboard and retrieved the dropped box and walked out the room and placed it with the other boxes.

"Talk to me." I slumped my shoulders and I turned and faced Ellie.

"And say what Ellie?"

"How you are feeling hearing all this. Come on, come into the living room and sit down with me." I followed Ellie into the living room and sat down on the sofa with a hefty plop.

"Honestly, I'm angry, upset, I want to call Dani out on her bullshit, but then I don't want to be seen as interfering. Why is it when something good happens in someone's life, there is always something around the corner to pull the rug out from under their feet? It just doesn't seem fair El, it just doesn't." I rested my head on the back of the sofa, the dull throb still evident. Sweet, gentle lips pressed against mine and my eyes flickered open.

"I love you, Jack. Yes, we may be experiencing a little dent in our happiness, but that is all it is, a dent. We still need to hear if he will get a court date or not, but until then, we can continue our lives the way we are meant to."

"Which is?"

"Full of love, banter, cuddles, sexy time..." I chuckled at Ellie and wrapped my arm around her, and she placed her head on my shoulder. "No matter how many times he tries Jack, I'm not going to let it affect me so deeply. I'm sorry that I slammed the door in anger, I didn't realise I had done it, and I'm sorry you have a bump to the head now because of it." We remained cuddled up for some time after that and I let out a small chuckle.

"This isn't exactly making sure that we are set for tomorrow."

"We are set, you know that. Shall I order some food in?"

"That sounds amazing."


Since there wasn't much leaving the apartment to go to the houses except for boxes we had packed, I stood in the centre of the room, hands on my hips, looking around. This once was my forever home, now it seems like a shell. The hopes and dreams I had back then have almost been achieved, albeit with a different woman but I can see my future clearly. I looked out the window and Ellie was talking away to the removal guys and I took another glance around my apartment.

An old memory surfaced in my mind's eye with Dani and I bursting through the door with excitement of moving in together. Her squeals of joy, her happiness and then my heart sank. What did I do to make all that change? Don't get me wrong, I love my life, I love Ellie with every fibre of my being, but I'm also scared shitless that I will mess this up somehow, that I will push Ellie away and ruin the one true good thing in my life. "Whatchya thinking?" I shook my head. I bit back the tears and pulled my cap down over my eyes slightly.

"Let's go."

"It's okay to mourn leaving here Jack. This was your home for an exceptionally long time." Her finger curled under my chin and tilted my head up. Her eyes looked at me with such gentles, love radiating from her and I nodded my head. "I know that this place once gave you hopes and dreams, sometimes dreams change." I gave Ellie a small smile and pulled her into me. I have no idea why I deserve her love, but I'm going to hold on to it for as long as she will have me.

"I know. But I'm ready to go Ellie. I can't have any more flashbacks standing here when I have new memories to make with you in our home." I secured the apartment up and we walked to the car hand in hand, and I opened the passenger door for Ellie.

"Why thank you..." I let out a chuckle and shook my head and she took my hand as she hopped into the car.


I had been watching Jack closely the days running up to our impending move. I'm aware of her emotions, her stiffness in her body posture and I knew that moving out of a place that she called home for over sixteen years was going to be hard for her, no matter how much she downplayed it in front of me.

I meant what I said to her. I'm watching her out of the corner of my eye as we travel to our forever home and I'm wondering what is going on inside her head. The very person that she set up home with is the one giving him a character witness. The turmoil that must be going through Jack must be intolerable but I'm wanting Jack to remain open and transparent, and I know I'm going to have to keep prodding at her until she finally cracks and opens up.

Jack is the kindest soul you would ever meet, but she wears her heart close to her and it only really shows when she is ready to show. It's in her everyday movements, text messages, thoughtful moments and her interactions that you see it most. I know why she's guarded at times, but when we are truly alone, the real Jack always shines through. I realised that we were drawing up to our new home and I let out a small sigh. "Are you okay babe?"

"I don't want to go in, not just yet."


"We need to talk."

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