Part 3

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You know when you have cried yourself to sleep when you wake up and your eyes feeling funny, and crust like from crying so hard. That's me. Despite my body's initial refusal to sleep, I finally succumbed to my slumber and my heartache. I know that this feeling will go eventually, but since I only found out last night, it is all very, raw.

I got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to freshen up and wash my face, trying to make it look like I wasn't breaking down. I've always had to be the strong one and now I've crashed at the very bottom, I'm not clearly seeing my way out of the bottomless pit I have found myself in. I made my way out to the living room and there was no sign of Carson, but Damien was still in. "Hey..." He jumped to his feet and I made my way over to him. "Can I have another brotherly hug, please?"

"Of course, you can." He engulfed me and I sighed and melted into his embrace. He guided me to sit on the couch whilst still holding on to me. "I'm sorry that things are shit for you right now, but like I said to Carson earlier, I will do anything to protect you both, you know that, right?"

"I know. Talking of my sister, where is she?"



"She went to yours to make sure that Dani does leave. She doesn't want you to go home and face her if she's still kicking about." Trust my little sister to do that. Granted there are only two years between us, but she has always been protective of me and I of her.

"Crap. What time is it anyway?"

"It's a little before two."

"Dani should be gone soon. But if it's okay with you, can I hang here with you?"

"You don't have to ask." We watched some soccer on the television which was such a Damien and Jack thing to do, but my mind wandered to the first time I met Dani at soccer practice, and I bit back my tears. Of course, when our favourite team scored, Damien jumped up and celebrated and then looked at me in horror. "Sorry, that was a little insensitive of me." I chuckled and shook my head.

"No Damien, that right there, is what I needed. Some normality." He settled back on the sofa next to me and handed me another beer. I'm not going to get wasted on a couple of beers but it's nice to just chill with Damien. "Hey Damien?"


"I'm stoked that you are going to be my brother-in-law, but it goes without saying, you fuck her up, I will fuck you up." He looked at me with his mouth open as I started to smile and then he shook his head.

"I know this might not mean anything right now considering what you are going through, but I promise I won't fuck Carson up, unless I get her pregnant then..."

"Ew! Dude! Too much info!" I was then distracted with the door slamming and Carson throwing her keys on to the sideboard.

"What's too much info?"

"Damien knocking you up".

"What? I'm not pregnant!!" Damien and I both chuckled at the sheer horror on Carson's face and she then rolled her eyes at us. "You two are terrible. Remind me why I put up with you both."

"I'm your sister."

"I'm your fiancé." I smiled at that and I was genuinely happy for them and hanging out with Damien has been a good distraction for mem this afternoon. "How did you get on?"

"Well, we had a few choice words, but she's gone. I have her key. There was no way I was letting her have access to your apartment." I swallowed hard. Dani is gone. I was determined not to cry, and I was then sandwiched in between my sister and Damien. "How are you doing?"

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