Part 44

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Standing shoulder to shoulder with Chelsea was still a little surreal as I introduced her and Rory to Damien and Carson. We chatted amongst ourselves and then it was one of those moments that you realise, despite standing shoulder to shoulder with a rock star, Chelsea was rather down to earth, and it is more than evident that she loves her wife and how Rory appears to be her anchor at times, checking her and telling her off was fun to watch, which caused Chelsea to roll her eyes mockingly.

After chatting for a while, we all mingled, danced and then I slipped back inside the house, disappeared to relieve my bladder and took a moment out for myself. I was standing in the kitchen, holding on to the side of the sink, looking out into our front garden when I heard a clearing of a throat. Turning around, my fangirling had stopped but smiled as Chelsea stood before me. "Are you okay Jack?"

"I am thanks Chelsea. I just needed a breather. Tonight, was always going to be daunting, even more so now I have a certified rock star standing in my kitchen." Chelsea waved her hand off and laughed.

"I am normal, you do realise that don't you? Well, as normal as normal can be."

"I get that, but I've seen you guys perform live so many times. I went to all the shows before you got signed too." I watched Chelsea raise her eyebrows and then a small smirk appeared on her face. "What?"

"Then you know I love acoustic stuff as well. Fancy doing something tonight. I noticed that you had a guitar, I assume you play."

"I do, yes."

"Then let's collab. Hang fire a second." Chelsea turned around to the sliding door. "Caroline, come here a sec!" My eyes widened. A famous Rockstar, a famous DJ in my backyard, soon to be kitchen, this is just fucking crazy. Caroline sauntered into the kitchen with Chelsea and gave me a small smile. "I'm trying to convince Jack here to collab acoustically with me tonight, are you in?"

"Yeah, why not. Do either of you have a song in mind?"

"Not yet, but I'm sure banging three heads together instead of one, we can come up with something. I can obviously hit the crate out in the garden as the drums, Jack can play guitar..."

"I have a keyboard in my car if you want to add a little piano." My head bounced between Chelsea and Caroline, wondering what the hell was going on. "None of your rock stuff though Chelsea." Chelsea laughed and shook her head. "Let's see what Jack can come up with, you know we can adapt."

"I still like that genre of music though... How about, Here's to us. After all, I'm surrounded by love tonight. My girlfriend, my family, her family, new friends and family, I think it's on point." I looked at Chelsea and Caroline and I knew Chelsea would be on board, but it was getting Caroline on board. A smile formed slowly over Caroline's face and she nodded. Chelsea started whooping and the collab was on. "Who's singing though?"



I was having an amazing time and I'm mind blown with everything that has happened over the past two days. From Jack dancing to our roleplaying, lovemaking and now, I'm standing in our backyard, surrounded by family and friends and I have never seen or felt so much love radiate from an exceptional amount of people. When I realised where we were and then watching Jack flinch as she told me the truth. I'd never lay a hand on Jack like that, nor would she do it to me, but I'm assuming she was preparing herself for being yelled at. I have questions to ask, but that can wait until tomorrow when we are alone.

I was vaguely listening to my sister and Carmen talking with their friends and as my eyes roamed the garden, it was evident that Jack wasn't here. I bit my lip and Liv gave me a gentle squeeze encouraging me to go and look for Jack, but as I was about to, she stepped out the house, laughing and joking with Chelsea and Caroline. I knew I let out a sigh of relief. I've listened to the music Jack likes, and whilst I will openly admit that it's not my cup of tea, her hanging about with one of her idols would be a dream come true for her.

Chelsea then dragged the crate from the side of the garden, Jack I realised, her guitar strap around her and brought her guitar to the front of her and Caroline set up a keyboard and I looked at them all and then Chelsea let out a loud whistle and everyone stopped in their tracks. "After discussing a few things with my friend Jack, it seems that she is an amazing guitarist, so I've roped her and Caroline into performing tonight. What both Jack and Caroline don't know that usually, when we all have get togethers this usually happens." The crowd let out a cheer and some chuckles and I shook my head laughing.

The sounds of the guitar strings being tuned, Chelsea testing out the crate and Caroline playing a few bars on the keyboard for them to warm up, warmed my heart. "I've not got my phone; I need to record this."

"I've got you covered sis, don't worry." I looked over at Jack and shot her a wink, hopefully boosting her confidence and she gave me a shy smile. It must be daunting sitting up there with her idol, but at the same time, she looks at ease.

"Jack picked this song as she rightly put it. Tonight, we are surrounded by people we love. Whether it's our significant others, our families or our friends, this song sums it up perfectly. So, here we go. Here's to us!"

The music started and I watched Jack close her eyes, I knew then she was going to sing.

"We could just go home right now, or maybe we could stick around, for just one more drink, oh yeah.
Get another bottle out, lets shoot the shit, sit back down, for just one more drink, oh yeah." Watching them all perform was mind blowing and I can only begin to imagine what Jack's feeling. I was stunned as probably a few others were as Chelsea took the chorus. I know she doesn't sing often, so this was pretty damn special.

"Here's to us, here's to love, all the times that we fucked up. Here's to you, fill the glass
'Cause the last few days have kicked my ass. So, let's give 'em hell, wish everybody well, here's to us, here's to us."

"Stuck it out this far together, put our dreams through the shredder, let's toast 'cause things got better. And everything could change like that, and all these years go by so fast, but nothing lasts forever."

"Here's to us, here's to love, all the times, that we messed up. Here's to you, fill the glass
'Cause the last few nights have kicked my ass. If they give ya hell, tell em to go fuck themselves, here's to us, here's to us."

"Here's to all that we kissed, and to all that we missed, to the biggest mistakes, that we just wouldn't trade. To us breaking up, without us breaking down, to whatever's comin' our way." Caroline's voice was raspy and ideal for the song and we all stood opened mouthed as we never knew that she could sing.

"Here's to us, here's to love, all the times that we fucked up, here's to you, fill the glass,
'Cause the last few days have kicked my ass, So, let's give 'em hell, Wish everybody well..." Everybody sang along with the rest of the song, tears threatening to spill down my cheeks with the love in the room, the love I have for Jack, really is second to none. She has been my biggest advocate, supporter, friend, lover, just my damn well everything and as they stopped playing their instruments, our family erupted in applause. One day, one day I'm going to marry that woman and there is nothing on this earth that will stop me from doing it. 

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