Part 25

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Our day out at ground zero and then Brooklyn was nothing short of amazing. I never expected to be so deeply affected by seeing the names etched on the memorial of the two towers and reading the 'and her unborn child' affected more than I would have liked. I wasn't sure why I was so deeply affected but I'm putting it down to being empathetic. I was grateful for Ellie slipping her hand into mine and we held hands until we crossed the Brooklyn Bridge and stopped to take pictures.

Christmas came and went, and it was so surreal spending it in New York, but I was grateful to spend it with the people I love. We hung out every day, but also went and done our own thing. That's what I love about Carson and Damien, allowing us all to be individuals, going off in different groups of people and the day before New Year's Eve, we decided to do ice skating and of course go up the Top of the Rock. Looking down into the city that never sleeps, from that high up, was a new experience and we all wandered, taking different pictures, selfies and managed to sweet talk someone into taking a group photo of us all. We only lasted a while up the top as it was absolutely freezing!! Of course, with me being adventurous, I went to the very top floor whilst my three companions remained where they were.

I looked down on the city, breathing in the cold air, being thankful for the small down time of peace and then looked down on my family. I have no idea how I am going to go to Canada, but it's my way to try and move on from Ellie, it has to be. I've had unreturned feelings, despite never really truly putting my own out there. But I do that in the way I act around a person and as much as I have hoped to be the person that Ellie wants, I know that I'm not. A gust of wind reminded me that it was absolutely freezing up here and I made my way down the flight of stairs and back to everyone else.

On New Year's Eve, the city was alive, and you could feel the excitement building for the big ball drop tonight. I'm glad I had planned this early and managed to get us tickets but it's battling the huge crowd later that I'm not fond of. But we decided that we would spend the day in the hotel, resting, relaxing and recuperating so we had enough energy to get through tonight. Ellie had popped out with Carson again and I took the opportunity to soak in the bath and then have a power nap.

Later that evening, we were down in Times Square, huddled together and we had to heat up, it was so damn cold. Damien disappeared to look for hot drinks and I ignored Carson and Ellie who appeared to be in a deep conversation. Looking around at all the excited faces we were standing next to, smiling to myself and then I noticed Damien walking back through the crowd. Thankful for the hot drink, I slurped on my coffee. "What's up with them two?"

"I have no idea."


"Have you decided yet?"

"Shhh. She might hear you."

"I doubt it, she's talking to Damien now that he is back and I'm choking to find out what you have worked out. We've been talking about it nearly this entire trip Ellie."

"I know, I know." I looked over at Jack who was laughing and joking with Damien and my heart fluttered and I nodded my head. "Okay, I'm going to tell her."

"Yay! When?"


As it was getting closer to midnight, we all enjoyed mingling, chatting with other people and huddled together to laugh and joke our night away. It was my form of sheer bliss. I caught Jack looking at me and her expression was almost pained. Like she had an inner conflict of her own going on and then our attention was diverted to the countdown. 'Ten.'

"Jack, do you think we can talk?" I had moved beside her, and she looked at me as nine and eight were yelled out.

"You know you can talk to me Ellie; you don't have to ask." Seven and six were bellowed out.

"Great. There's something on my mind and only you can help me with it." Five. Four. "I hope that you understand, in fact I know you understand." Three, Two, One! Chorus of Happy new year's rang out and I stood staring at Jack. No time for talking. Time for action. I grabbed Jack by her jacket and pulled her into me.

"What are you doing El?"

"Giving you what I've been dreaming of for months." She looked confused as hell which was super cute and then I brought her head down and crashed our lips together. At first Jack seemed a little reluctant with me kissing her, but then her arms swept around my waist, pulling me in closer, smiling against my lips and then I felt it. Her tongue seeking entrance and I gladly parted my lips, and her tongue invaded my mouth. Our tongues danced, I wrapped my arms around her neck and feeling her body heat, her kiss, it made my toes curl. Finally, we parted but as we parted, I felt Jack smile against my lips and then break them away. "Wow."

"What was it you wanted to talk about?"

"Oh, nothing major...just that I'm in love with you, Jack." She looked at me and when that smile beamed, my heart melted. It looks as though all my worry was about nothing and then of course what Carson had been implying was that it wasn't one sided at all. That Jack had feelings for me.

"How long have you known?" It was a rather good question, and I knew I had to answer it.

"You know we flirted a lot, I noticed and I'm sure you did too. But for me when I truly realised it was at Carson's wedding. Not when we danced together, but when you danced with her. It made me realise more of who you truly are Jack. Of course, my emotions were all over the place with everything that has gone on since then, but you are the one constant in my life Jack. You make me feel loved, wanted, secure in all aspects of life and I would like it more than anything, if you would give you and I a chance." Well, I didn't expect to let all that ramble out my mouth but the minute I stopped talking, Jack pulled me back in and that kiss she once described to me, became a reality.

"I love you too."

"About bloody time!!" Carson shouted and I looked over as she was snuggled up to Damien, me with Jack and we both laughed. "It's been horrendous being the one in the middle of you two. Both evidently falling for each other but scared to open your damn mouths!

"Leave them be babe. Do you guys fancy heading back to the hotel? I can't feel my toes anymore and I have two pairs of socks on."

"That sounds like a good idea." We went back to the hotel, had a celebratory drink and then headed to our rooms. The minute our door closed, Jack and I had locked lips again and made our way further into the room. Jack ended up sitting on the bed and whilst I sat on her knee, exploring her mouth, she gently broke off our kiss. "As much as I enjoy kissing you, finally, you do realise I'm not going to sleep with you tonight, don't you?"

"What? We always share a bed." Jack chuckled at me.

"Not like that. I mean I'm not going to have sex with you Ellie." I can't say I'm not disappointed, I am but I'm fairly sure Jack has a plausible explanation. "God Ellie. I've wanted you for so damn long that its drove me crazy. I know that you've not been with a woman before, and I want to make sure that you are absolutely ready to go there before we do. I want us to explore who we are as a couple before we fall into bed in a sexual way. I hope that makes sense." I ran my fingertips over Jack's face and took her in. I gave her a smile and leaned in and kissed her softly.

"I get it Jack and I appreciate everything you have said. Please tell me we will snuggle still."

"Better yet." She grinned. "Kisses and snuggles before sleep."

"I can't wait."

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