Part 13

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"Are we all ready??" Carson yelled at the top of her voice, she is clearly over excited about the bachelorette trip and we were on our way to the airport. Some of the girls were not booked at the same time as us but managed to get on the same flight to Malta. Loud squeals were heard in the taxi and I shook my head. It is way too early in the morning for this. I chucked my earbuds in and put my music on to drown out the excited buzz of the other five women I was sharing a taxi with.

Checking in was fun (not) and my mood was considerably on edge as I had hardly slept. The day before I had managed to transfer all the funds that Dani had squirrelled away, and it will be only a matter of time before she realises that the account is empty and that her access had been revoked. Getting on the plane, I was thankful I had the aisle seat and when someone tapped my shoulder I looked up and noticed it was Ellie. "Mind shifting your lanky legs. I'm next to you." I let out a chuckle and stood up, allowing Ellie to take the seat next to me. "I love having a window seat."

"I can't stand it myself. Although sometimes the views can be extraordinary." I gave Ellie a small smile and focused on the flight attendants giving out their safety instructions. The nonstop flight would take around four hours.

The flight was painless, and we landed in Luqa, Malta's international airport without a hitch. After collecting our bags, we made our way to the car rental where I had prebooked a car and then it began, the fifteen-minute journey to Valletta. The girls were loud as hell and I had another four days of this booked and I better get used to it fast. Thankfully, Carson was driving the other car and at least Ellie opted to go in the car with me, it helped settle my nerves.

The villa was amazing and after a lot of coming and going the sleeping arrangements were made. We agreed that Carson could have a double bed to herself, but then it shot me in the foot. Although I said it wouldn't bother me sharing a double bed, it did. The girls pushed Ellie to share a bed with me since she has done it previously and she just shrugged it off as nothing. I knew then I need to reign my feelings in for Ellie and put a brave face on for the rest of the trip. "Do you honestly not mind sharing with me?"

"Why would I? After all, you know I'm a snuggler." I gave Ellie a coy grin and she chuckled and shook her head. "I apologise in advance if I gravitate towards your body heat in anyway." We continued to unpack and thankfully I had planned prior to arrival for the house to be stocked with food and drink.

We were in the living area when I got asked what was owed for the food and drink and I waved it off citing that it was my treat. How could it not be after landing on that surprising windfall, maybe it's time I started splashing out on a few things, although I know deep down spending money isn't really my thing and buying things doesn't necessarily make a person happy.

That night we stayed in and made use of the villa and to say the girls were loud, was an understatement. But in saying that, once the alcohol started to take its desired effect, fun was had by everyone and one by one, we all dropped off to bed. Slipping in beside an already sleeping Ellie was somewhat easier than crawling into bed with her wide awake, it let me take things into perspective. Such a classic move really, falling for the straight friend.

The following day, I awoke to an empty bed. I could hear chatter from down the hall and a couple of the girls had started to organise breakfast for everyone, which was very much appreciated. I still had to drop the bombshell that we were going to learn how to burlesque, and I cannot wait to see the look on Carson's face.


"We are going where?"

"We are going to learn how to Burlesque dance with an instructor." Carson's face went white and whilst we all found it amusing, it was clear that Carson was a little apprehensive.

"Just think Carson, you can use the moves on Damien." I gagged whilst the other girls let out squeals of approval and Carson drew me daggers.

"What? Blame Ellie. She started this with an underhand comment about burlesque." Ellie went beetroot in the face, and I couldn't help but chuckle. "So, I took it upon myself to book us in for the class. It's held by a lady who set up a burlesque school here in Malta." The ladies chatted excitedly amongst themselves and I then had to drop the bombshell that we either had to walk there or use our hire cars. Needless to say, they opted for the cars just in case they were shattered afterwards.

The class itself was very professional but oh my word, I have never cried so much with laughter with the antics of everyone and thankfully the instructor was more than patient with us all. It's amazing that this lady has set up a burlesque school and teaches people the true art form of burlesque. Needless to say, we were more than happy to have brought the cars as the aches and pains from learning how to burlesque, was evident.

We arrived back late afternoon and organised our meal and made sure we all had sustenance in our stomachs as tonight, we were going out to hit the bars and hopefully unwind after an eventful day. Drinks were flowing, the girls were getting louder and shouting over each other and then someone yelled... "Jell-O shots!!" Well, this is about to get remarkably interesting. The first shot went over a little too easy and it was rather tasty and standing next to Carson and Ellie, I felt comfortable until Carson shoved a Jell-o shot down Ellie's top and quirked her eyebrow at me.

"I dare you, Jack!" Ellie just laughed and I shrugged my shoulders. "Put your hands behind your back, no cheating now!" I complied and Ellie turned to face me, and I mouthed sorry, but she just shook her head to indicate that it was fine. I buried my face in between her breasts and fished out the Jell-o shot and for good measure, I licked up her skin and to the swell of her breasts and stood up, smirking. "Way to go, sis!" I met Ellie's eyes and I'm not sure if they are dilated from the amount of alcohol or the fact that I just licked her breast.

We moved on to the next bar and when the air hit us, I squinted my eyes, knowing fine well I was on the way to be completely inebriated but this is what it is all about, having fun and watching the other girls fall over themselves, singing away happily and the smile on Carson's face, it was all worth it. I felt a hand slip into my arm as I had shoved my hands in my jeans and looked to see Ellie holding on. "You don't mind do you? I'm a bit tipsy."

"Not at all, rather have you safe than sorry."

The music was loud, but the girls were louder, and they went from propping up bars to dancing on the dance floor and I was dragged along, much to Carson's amusement. I really do prefer watching women dance, but if I have to participate tonight, I will. I was bopping away and then I noticed Ellie giving me a look. "What?"

"You know you dance way better than that, we all know it!"

"Not all!!" I smirked at her but then she yanked me on to the dance floor. It was nice to see Ellie letting her hair down and enjoying herself and I started to smirk and bop again. "P!nk!!" 'So what' was blasting through the speakers and I was jumping about like an absolutely looney, or a demented bunny, who knows but I was enjoying myself. Grabbing my drink off the table and chugging it quickly before Ellie pulled me back on to the dancefloor with the song booming 'You ain't here to party..." I swallowed hard.

Ellie danced, gyrated, moved her ass against me and I spun her around. She threw her hands around my neck and I pulled her close, dancing with her felt so right. Absolutely amazing in fact and having her so close to my body, wasn't helping my crush in any shape or form. We pretty much dirty danced right there on the dance floor and my heart was thudding so hard in my chest I'm surprised it never popped out and gave everyone a wave hello.

After that dance, I made my way over to the bar and made sure I got a pint of water and nearly drank it in one go. "Ellie seems to be enjoying herself."


"That was some seriously hot dance moves you both were working on the dance floor."

"I know sis. I didn't think she had it in her." Carson looked at me and then gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Better tone it down or you both will be in trouble."

"Fuck me sideways. Don't I know it."

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