Part 14

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Tone it down? I tried, I really tried but with how seductive Ellie is being, how am I going to be able to resist much longer. My urges are bubbling to the surface and I excuse myself and step outside the club to enable me to have some breathing space. "Is everything...okay?" I spun around and there was Ellie, leaning against the wall, her eyes smouldering, and I was trying my best to push my feelings down and failing miserably.

"Uhm, yeah." Ellie was about to speak to me again when the rest of the girls started piling out of the club and indicated that it was time to go back to the villa. Inwardly, I was relieved as I ended up chatting with Tasha about all sorts of crap, but then it hit me, I still need to share a bed with Ellie, fuck. It didn't take us long to get back to the villa and whilst some of the girls called it a night, a few of us stayed up. I was hoping to outlast Ellie and sneak into bed with her passed out, but it didn't look like it was going to go that way.

I decided to wander around the villa, and I stopped at the pool table and pushed a ball down it and watched it as it slowly returned to me. I done it a few more times and then a throat cleared behind me. "I have a feeling that you are avoiding me." Crap. Am I seriously that obvious?

"Why would I be avoiding you?"

"I'm not sure..." Ellie and I locked eyes and I gave her what I thought was my small smile but turned out to be more my mischievous smirk and that made her chuckle. "Jack..."


"I really enjoy that I can be myself around you, you know? You don't seem to judge how I am acting or how I react to things and that is massive in my eyes."

"Why judge when I'm open to being your true self. It's nice to see the true Ellie shine tonight, it's been a long time coming." I pushed the ball back down the table and Ellie stepped closer. The scent of her perfume drifted under my nose and I knew she was dangerously close and turned and faced her again. "Ellie, I think we should talk."


"Uhm, I'm like really attracted to you and I'm warning you because it's in your best interest to try and distance yourself a bit. Carson has already asked me to tone it down." Ellie tilted her head and looked to be considering what I was asking.

"But if given the option to tone it down or not, what would you chose?" Ah fuck me sideways, she's getting under my skin and my libido isn't doing too great right now. It's rocketing at an alarming rate. "Well?"

"I'd probably say no. I wouldn't tone it down." The flicker of amusement or was it excitement that flickered in Ellie's eyes had me intrigued and then I manoeuvred around her so her back was at the edge of the pool table. I placed my hands at either side, which ended up gently touching her hips and I looked at her. "I would kiss you and it would be a kiss you would never forget." I watched Ellie's throat move, which I assume she was swallowing hard, taking in my words. I brought my lips dangerously close to hers and then smirked. "But I can't do that. Not now." I stepped away from Ellie and I swear I heard a little groan escape her mouth and I smirked to myself. Calling it a night before I do something that I may later come to regret.


Feeling Jack's breath dance near my lips made them tingle and I wanted her so badly to grab me and kiss me, hard. Yet she had her resolve and moved away and called it a night and went to our room. I figured that I better stay up a little longer. In my head I knew that Jack would not kiss a woman that was already taken by someone else, but the other side of me wanted her to kiss me so badly. I'm not sure why in this moment in time. Maybe it was just because she said that she was attracted to me that ignited something that I yearned for.

To be wanted. To be desired. To feel whole again. Is it because I'm not receiving that from Grant that I'm yearning it from Jack? Understandably, I have become rather close to Jack over the past few months and since Grants outburst, I have distanced myself not only from Jack, from Carson as well, even if we hang around in the same circle of friends. I sit back down with my drink in hand and chat away with Bree and try to push my thoughts away from Jack. I don't want to pursue something with her, I can't. I'm a taken woman.

Half an hour passed and as much as I love Bree, I could feel my eyes starting to close and excused myself and made my way to the bedroom. Opening the door quietly, Jack was lying on her side and I could only assume that she was sleep. I tried to be as quiet as possible getting changed for bed, but I'm probably making more noise than a train station. Sliding into the bed and looking at Jack from her back, I checked out how muscular she was and had to stop myself from reaching out to run my hands over her defined shoulders. Warmth pooling in my stomach, I knew that I wanted to explore things with Jack, but I think that is just the alcohol talking. I let out a small puff of air from my lips and roll away from Jack, hoping that sleep would come easy.

I felt the bed move slightly and I hoped that I wouldn't throw up with the movement but from the movement, I knew Jack had moved on to her back. Part of me wanted her to do her gravitation to body heat with me, but that was me being selfish. "Hey El?"


"Are you still awake?"

"I guess."

"Come here a second." I rolled on to my back then on to my side and looked at Jack. She pulled me close, and I rested my head on her shoulder blade and wrapped my arm around her waist, feeling the instant comfort when our bodies moulded together. "I'm really attracted to you El, but I hope you understand why I can't kiss you."

"I think I do. It's because I'm taken."

"Yeah..." Her voice came out in a whisper and I nodded my head. I felt her kiss the top of my head lightly and I smiled against her shoulder. "If things were different, I'd hope that we could have explored whatever is going on between us, but I guess we will never know." Why did that feel like my heart was breaking? I remained silent and we both drifted off to sleep, cuddled up to each other and if that's all I can have, then I am happy with that.


Late that morning when I gently opened my eyes, Ellie hadn't moved, and she was still snuggled up to me. Smiling softly to myself, having her in my arms, feels right, but so wrong at the same time. The door knocked softly, and Carson stuck her head in, and I didn't even bother to move Ellie off me, and Carson indicated that she wanted a word with me. I slowly detached Ellie from my body and stepped outside the bedroom door. "Please tell me you two..." I held up my hand and stopped Carson.

"No. Nothing happened, I made it clear that nothing could. I remember how devastated I was when I found out about Dani, I'm not about to do that to Grant. I have to say though, I do value Ellie's friendship and if that means getting a cuddle out of it, then that's what I'm going to take." Carson looked at me pointedly and slowly nodded her head.

"I know things between her, and Grant haven't been great, but she has to work out what is best for her. With or without him." Part of me hopes that she will leave him. Not necessarily for me, but for her own needs. I was just about to see how fragile her relationship is with Grant and it's going to blow things apart in a big way.

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