Part 26

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I'm lying next to Jack and it's a different feeling in a way. Not only did I grab the bull by the horns last night, but I also kissed her first. I guess I always thought that Jack would kiss me first, but she has been quite resilient over the course of our friendship. Of course, I completely understand why, and she has explained herself to me on more than one occasion. In hindsight, I should have realised that Jack had feelings for me, not just urges and despite everything she still wants to be with me.

I've deliberately not posted to anything to social media about our time in New York, I've actually not been on social media since the court date has been announced and to play it safe, I've to remain off it so that I am not open to scrutiny or accused of things that I haven't done. I know fine well that all shit will hit the fan if they find out that I'm with Jack and god do I want to be with her. I am with her in every sense that I want us to be together. We've not discussed our actual relationship with one another yet, we both know that there are feelings there and we love each other.

Honestly, kissing Jack is second to none. When she described what it was like to kiss a girl, I was curious but at the same time, I thought there was no way that what she described was any way remotely true. Oh, I was so wrong there. Jack's kisses are toe curling, soft, explorative, and well, damn well hot. I had things pinging around in my body and when she announced that she wasn't sleeping with me, I was a little bummed out but understood why. "Creeper."


"You are staring at me. Creeper."

"Shush you." Jack smiled at me and I shook my head. Still unsure if I should automatically kiss her good morning or wait for her to lead, well that was taken completely out of my hands when she pulled me close, and her lips met mine. Breaking away breathlessly moments later, my head swirling with every emotion possible, I let out a contented sigh.

"I take it you want to talk?"

"How did..."

"Your facial expressions give you away Ellie. It's cute but never play a game of poker, you would suck at it." I laughed and poked out my tongue.

"Duly noted. But yes, I would love to talk. This is all new and I don't want to do anything that could ruin something just as its starting." We sat up and Jack pulled me into her, and I rested my head on her shoulder and smiled to myself.

"The way I see it, I've been yours for the longest time, but never wanted to admit it. I berated myself for falling for the straight girl, for flirting with you, for unintentionally putting you in harm's way." She stiffened up slightly and I ran my hand over her arm, and she eased slightly. "Ellie, I meant what I said last night, I do love you, but I think we should wait until you are ready to be intimate. But there is something else that I need to come clean about."

"What's that?"

"I'm not coming home." I shot off her shoulder and looked at her and her look put me at somewhat ease but then I waited for her to finish. "I had booked time with my friends in Vancouver prior to us coming here, I didn't expect you to...admit that there was feelings there. I was going to Vancouver to try and get my head straight and get over you."

"Well, you don't have to get over me Jack, I'm here, but I understand."

"Why don't you join me? I'm booked into a hotel, so all I have to do is change your flights and add you to the accommodation, it's not a huge issue".

"'ve done more than enough for me, I'm sure you could do with some breathing space since we live together as well."

"El, I would gladly spend every waking moment with you. I hope you realise that." My heart soared then, and I know if I went back to Scotland, I would be moping about the apartment like a lovesick puppy. I gave it some further thought, realistically it was only a few minutes and then I agreed to go to Vancouver with Jack. Thankfully, when she is due to return, I have time off, so I don't need to phone my boss and beg for more time off. "Great, I will look into changing it later, but there is something I need to do first."

"What's that?"

"To kiss my girlfriend some more before we have to meet up with my sister and brother-in-law." I grinned. Jack officially called me her girlfriend and I could not have been happier.


Seeing Ellie smile is like winning the lottery. As long as she is happy that's all that matters to me and in time, I hope I can show that to her. We snuggled back down into the bed and our lips met again. I wasn't joking about the toe-curling kissing that I enjoy, and Ellie certainly knows how to kiss. When her tongue trailed along my top lip, sucking at it and devouring my lips, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. She is certainly pushing all the right buttons and my blood is fast in dropping to my pulse point and I pull away. "Something wrong?"

"Keep kissing me like that and I will want to take it further." Ellie blushed and it was cute, but I had to be honest with her. "I'm going for a cold shower. Why don't you drop Carson a message and confirm our plans for today?" I gave her a chaste kiss on her lips and quickly disappeared into the bathroom. "Fuck." I muttered under my breath as I started the shower. How am I going to abstain from dragging Ellie to bed? I'm trying to be really mindful, and this is going to be complete torture for me.

When I got out the shower, I cursed myself for not taking in a change of clothes. It's not like Ellie has seen me with truly little on, I'm sure my bikini left little for the imagination when we were in Malta. When I left the bathroom, Ellie looked up from her phone and smiled. That smile alone is going to kill me, I can just feel it in my bones. "We are just going to meet up for dinner since we already missed breakfast and lunch, they appreciated the long lie and the warmth." Of course, they did. "Right, my turn." Ellie hopped out of the bed and disappeared into the bathroom and I let out a little sigh of relief.

Why am I so damn nervous now that feelings have been displayed, talked about and finally out in the open? I have probably a hundred and one things running about in my head and all I can think about is how awesome a kisser Ellie is. I quickly got dressed and grabbed my phone and wallet and started to make the necessary changes for Ellie to join me in Vancouver. I also messaged the friends that I am due to meet up with that I finally got the girl. I stopped after I sent that and smiled. I really did, didn't I? I finally got the girl and we both deserve all the happiness in the world. "Jack, we need to talk." Crap. I didn't think I would hear that so soon.


"It's nothing bad, at least I don't think it is." Ellie sat on the chair and was digging out her hairbrush from her vanity bag. "It's about how we should act. I know it's a big ask, but I've been told to stay off social media until the trial is done. I think if we even remotely post a picture of us..." I got off the bed and kneeled down in front of Ellie.

"Ellie, there is no way I am putting you in harm's way if I can help it. I will do anything to keep you safe. Sure, if we have to go on the down low until the trial is over, I'm not saying it will be easy as I would love to take you out on dates, to hold your hand, to kiss you publicly and privately. But most of all, I want to see you happy. I will do whatever that takes." Her hand touched the side of my face and I leaned into it.

"How did I get so lucky?"

"I'm the lucky one, believe me." I leaned up and kissed her gently on the lips. "Now concentrate on getting yourself ready, beautiful. I'm still changing a few things on our Canada itinerary."

Later that evening we met Carson and Damien in the hotel restaurant. "Here come the lovebirds." I shook my head and Ellie laughed as we appeared hand in hand at the restaurant and we sat down at the table. "Good night was it?" I rolled my eyes, typical Carson.

"Actually, we've decided to take it slow. It's all very well admitting our emotions, but we still need to get to know one another and how we fit as a couple." I looked at Ellie and grinned. "Plus, we have to be careful with who knows, since I have court in just over two months." Carson and Damien nodded, they knew what Ellie was getting at and I know they would respect our decision.

"It's just a bit crummy that we can't date back home, but Ellie has agreed to come to Vancouver with me, so you don't have to worry about checking in on her."

"Awe, you had that organised already. So sweet of you." I blushed and Carson laughed, and I flipped her the bird. "Play nice you two..."

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