Part 33

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"I know I was an idiot, but I don't think I could wait until we get home for you to kiss me Jack. I need you. I need your lips on me." I looked around and leaned over the centre console and placed a light kiss on her lips, which she automatically deepened and then our foreheads touched one another's.

"Is that better?"

"It is. But are you feeling a little adventurous at all?" I looked at Ellie who's eyes were glimmering in the moonlight and I gave her a quizzical look. My mouth dropped open as she climbed over the centre console and went into the back seat of the car and my eyes followed her. Were we about to have make up sex in the back of my car? That was a little risqué was it not? Ellie beckoned me with her finger, and I shook my head and laughed, locking the car doors and climbed into the backseat to sit next to her. "I want you Jack. I know you always let me call the shots, but I need you in me, now. I need to feel whole again."

Our lips crashed together and I'm so glad my back windows have tinted windows and that it's dark out. The thrill that surged through my body with Ellie being as bold as she was being, the fact that I was about to have make up sex with my girlfriend in the back of my car, thrilled me no end. We lay somewhat uncomfortably in the back of my car making out, my hips grinding down on top of hers, moans escaping her mouth as my lips danced over her neck and her collar bone. "I need them off. Now."

"So impatient." I got up and unbuttoned her jeans and Ellie arched her hips and I yanked down her jeans and pants at the same time. Looking down, I could see her lips glistening with want and I skated my fingers over her making her gasp at my initial touch. "Sit up. You can ride my fingers that way." Ellie manoeuvred herself so that she was straddling me, the passenger seat supporting her back as I slipped my arm around her waist and plunged my fingers deep inside her.

"Fuck. Yes." Hearing her want, her desire as my fingers plunged in and out of her wetness, Ellie undone some of her shirt buttons exposing her bra. Bringing her chest out of her cups, my mouth automatically gravitated towards her erect nipple and clamped it around her, making her moan more. I devoured and teased her nipple, moving on to the next one, lavishing my hungry mouth upon it. I tightened my grip around her waist as I plunged a third finger inside her and that was to be her undoing. A few hard thrusts as she grounded down on to my fingers, her walls contracted around them and then her orgasm flew out her body. "Shit Jack. That was amazing."

"Best make up sex, ever." I grinned at her as I slipped my fingers out of her. "You best get ready; we should head home." I quickly climbed over the console and started the car, clearing the steam from the windows and Ellie climbed into the passenger seat and grinned at me.

"I'm so going to devour you when we are home." I let out a hearty laugh and checked my mirrors and reversed out my parking space and drove us home. The door got thrown open in urgency and we made it to the bedroom, shedding our clothes on the way. Watching the hunger and desire in Ellie's eyes, pushed all my reservations about us out of my body as she gently pushed me back as I landed on top of the bed. I was about to move up the bed when Ellie shook her head, put her hands on my knees and spread me wide open at the foot of the bed.

Her head dipped as she kneeled down, and her mouth connected to the apex of my desire. I leaned back on to my elbows, watching her head moving in between my legs. Her tongue swirling against me, her fingers teasing my entrance and my eyes rolled in my head with the contact. "Just fuck me already Ellie." I couldn't hold back any longer, I was honestly close to coming with her in the car and trying to supress it was making me want to explode more. Ellie on the other hand, she was being slow and torturous dragging my orgasm out slowly from my body and when I reached down and thrusted hard against her tongue, taking her by surprise, locking eyes, she knew I didn't want her to do the slow tortured tease anymore, I need to come, and I need to come now. Pushing her fingers in and then spreading them wide inside me, curling for my g-spot, she pumped her fingers hard and fast until I clamped around her head and fingers, releasing the moan of a satisfied woman into the air.

I was trying to regain my breathing and I felt Ellie joining me on the bed and she wiped away the tear away from my face and I opened up my eyes and looked at her and smiled. "Why the tears?"

"Happy tears, I promise. I just felt really connected to you and it all came out." Ellie leaned down and kissed me gently on my lips and I let out a contented sigh. "Let's get showered and hopefully you will have a better night's sleep tonight."

"As long as you hold me, I'm sure I will." I flashed a grin at Ellie and hauled her off the bed and we showered quickly together before drying and collapsing into bed. Holding Ellie close to me, I knew that this was happiness, true happiness was.


I woke up the next day with a renewed sense of hope. Yes I car crashed yesterday morning, but we both made up for it last night. After our shower, I lay in bed with Jacks arms around me, feeling safe and secure like I always do with her, but something had changed within me. I lay there for a while trying to work out what was going on in my head, but the only conclusion that I could really come up with was that I was falling more in love with Jack with each passing day.

Court today, I got through it with so much ease and by the looks of the defence teams witnesses, I'm surprised both Jack and I didn't see red. But with Jack, we can get through anything together. My lawyer ripped into Dani and exposed her fraud and the defence team when into an absolute panic, making me smirk and although I was dying to turn around and look at Jack, I knew she would be smirking at Dani being outed over shifting money that wasn't hers into accounts embedded within Jacks accounts.

Then of all people, both my mother and father gave Grant glowing reports of how good a boyfriend he was to me and how he supported me through my ectopic pregnancy early in our relationship, that was a kick in the gut but I'm grateful that Carson was there through that particularly hard time in my life. Jack had heard of it years ago but flinched when it was brought up again. Kids. I smiled to myself as I thought of Jack and I starting a family but quickly shook my head at the thought. I know we've been friends for the best part of a year but dating for three months and I'm already thinking of a happy ever after with her seemed a little presumptuous.

Tomorrow was going to be a bigger day. The day that Grant was taking the stand to defend himself, to say that he didn't abuse me or sexually assaulted me in any way. I'm not looking forward to it, but at the same time I am as my lawyer is a shark and has ripped into every single one of their witnesses so far and Grant can see his case is starting to become a losing battle.


Jack and I were curled up on the sofa watching television and I could feel Jacks head bopping at times. She was trying her hardest to stay awake and it was so cute to watch, I lay there smirking to myself. "Jack, babe. Just go to bed. I will be through in a minute."

"I'm sorry. I just can't keep my eyes open tonight; it has been a long day."

"I know. Tomorrow is going to be even longer and hopefully once he has given his evidence, the jury can go and come to the right decision."

"They will, I know they will. Sandra has been an absolute shark with them." Jack smirked at me and I raised my eyebrow.


"It's like the song baby shark you know. She starts off all small like a baby shark and then acts like a big mean daddy shark and then slowly backs off and is soft like a grandparent. It's weird to watch, but at the same time, I can't wait to see her tear Grant a new one tomorrow."

"What a strange way to describe it Jack." I laughed hard at that and she shook her head.

"I'm tired. I'm babbling shit."

"You can babble shit anytime babe, it makes me laugh."

"Glad I entertain you. Right, I'm off to bed, you know what to do." I nodded my head and started to shut down all the electronics, checked the front door, ensuring it was bolted hard and then wandered into the kitchen, making sure the appliances that weren't supposed to be on were turned off. Climbing into bed and lying next to Jack, who immediately engulfed me into her arms, I snuggled down. Tomorrow Grant, I'm watching your downfall. You will no longer have any control over my life. 

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