Part 42

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I was highly entertained that Ellie was extremely hot under the collar and desperate to leave the dancing, but I insisted on waiting, dancing, drinking and hanging out with our families. As we sat at the table, I ran my hand along the inside of her thigh, moving my fingers in small circles against her skin and had to contain my amusement when she slammed her legs together to stop my fingers from teasing her some more. To anyone looking at the table, we were having a good time, but to me, I'm having fun working up Ellie into where I need her to be. Just after midnight, we all parted ways and as soon as I opened up the apartment door, I teasingly pushed Ellie in and had her pinned against the wall, pushing my thigh in between her legs, nipping at her neck with my teeth. "Now, are you going to be a good girl and listen to my instructions?"

"Yes..." Her voice came out in a raspy thickness of desire and that made me smirk. Locking the door, I took her by the hand and placed her in the living room.

"Wait here. Do not do anything, touch anything or anywhere for that matter of fact until I return." Ellie nodded her head, and I broke out into a massive grin the second my back was turned away from her and headed to the bedroom. Now, now it was time for me to get changed and to surprise Ellie with what I had planned for us both.


To say that I am frustrated is an understatement. Jack has been rather teasing tonight and as I'm standing here patiently waiting, abiding by her instructions, my mind flashes to some of tonight's highlights. That dance that they performed was unbelievably hot and if I were allowed, we would have been home hours ago, hopefully ravishing each other's bodies, but no, Jack decided that she wanted to prolong the night, to wind me up, to make me not only hot under the collar for her, but to make me drip with want. I looked up when I heard the door open again and my mouth dropped open.

There she was my unbelievably sexy girlfriend walking towards me. She had changed into black silk pyjamas which she had left unbuttoned, so it just covered her breasts and no more. She knows fine well what her abs do to me and she's determined to push every single button with me tonight. Wearing an unbelievable sexy smirk that made me weak at the knees and also made me aware that I'm going to be screaming her name into the small hours of the morning. "Like what you see?"

"No. I love what I see." That coy curl of her lip as she came closer to me, made my insides swirl with anticipation and excitement. I was surprised when she let me run my fingertips down from her breastbone to her abs, but she quickly grabbed my wrist to stop me going any lower down.

"Tut, tut. I'm in charge tonight, not you." I let out a squeal when she pulled me flush against her and our lips met, tongues dancing and as I let out a gasp, I pulled away and looked down her body. "What?"

"Is that what I think it is?"

"One of our purchases, yes." I bit my lip knowing fine well that I was going to be fucked like Jack promised at the club.

"Which one?"

"The one where I wear the shorts. The other one can be for another time." I'm not disappointed, the other one is pretty special and the one she is wearing right now would have been quicker to get changed in to. "Now, turn around." I done as I was asked and Jack kissed my shoulder, unzipping my dress at the back and it pooled down by my feet. "I know we've discussed this, but I need to know, do you want a safe word. I don't want to do anything that will trigger you tonight." That's Jack for you, always thoughtful and whilst I know I'm safe with Jack, memories can often come to the forefront of your mind when you least expect it. "Please, do not pick some fruit." I knew what Jack was getting at when she said that it was understandable.

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