Part 15

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Guilt. It is eating away at me and whilst its now the week of Carson and Damien's wedding, I'm feeling guilty that I've not been a better friend. I've researched things into the small hours, thoughts consuming me and Ellie's words ringing in my ears from the night after I confessed to being attracted to her.

After our mammoth drinking session, the night before, we all decided that it would be a lazy day by the pool and enjoying each other's company. I made a point in mingling with the other girls for a while, so I was stuck to Ellie or Carson's side. Bree is actually quite funny and Tasha, despite being loud, seems a quite gentle soul deep down.

I had stuck my feet into the pool to help cool off and then was flanked with Ellie at one side and Carson at the other. Moving my head too quick to see who sat down next to me, I'm surprised that I never had whiplash of some kind. "Uhm, hello you two." They said their hello's back and we got chatting about the wedding and I was thankful it wasn't about my attraction towards Ellie which apart from some flickers of recognition of want from Ellie, I know my feelings are one sided.

"Right let's get changed into our bathing suits!" Ellie jumped up to her feet and made her way to the bedroom to change first and I hung back. I was determined not to watch her walk away as I'm often mesmerised by watching the way her hips sway, how cute her ass is... Okay, focus Jack.

"Tell me again, where are you heading on honeymoon." Carson rolled her eyes at me and shook her head.

"I swear you are in your own head too much at times, Jack. We are touring Germany for a few weeks." I smiled. Of course. One of the first holidays that Carson ever went on was when she was in college and it was a research trip to Germany and she always vowed to go back one day.


"Well, Bamberg. After all, need to let Damien trail through the nine breweries they have in that town. We are also going to check out Nuremberg, Hannover, Nienberg, and Berlin." I went wide eyed with all the places she had mentioned, and I was actually quite impressed with the places she wanted to visit. Living her dream, really.

"Sounds absolutely amazing. It looks as though learning German in school paid off. Albeit that is the only second time you would have gone there."

"Well yeah, but I wanted to show Damien where I visited. He had been on at me for ages to go back, since he seen how happy my memories of Germany made me." I smiled. Trust Damien. I honestly couldn't imagine a better man for Carson and I'm proud as hell that he is going to be my brother-in-law. We got up and made our way to our rooms and I forgot that Ellie was supposed to be getting changed and I went wide eyed.

"Shit, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, at least my arse was covered, and I was facing away from the door." Damn shame that her arse was covered, let me assure you on that one but it was something else that caught my eye but shook my head, it must have been the lightning of the room that is playing tricks on me. I went to my suitcase that I had been living out of and rummaged through for another swimsuit and was left with my least favourite. I should have worn this the other day. My bikini. Lord knows why I brought it with me.

Ellie ducked out the room to allow me to get changed in privacy and once I had my bikini on, I sat down on the bed. My mind floated back to seeing Ellie getting changed and was that a trick of light? Should I ask? I'm not one to pry and I've noticed with Ellie if you pry a little into her life, she clams up, like she is protecting something precious. Okay, so I can either be an open book or a complete introvert, you can't win with me at times, but I have this nagging feeling that it wasn't a trick of light and wondered how the hell I was going to approach the subject.

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