Part 51

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"What's going on?" I just got off the phone to Chelsea and despite wanting to jump out of bed and make my way to Reveal, she assured me that there was nothing we could do but hang tight and wait and see if there were any further developments. Ellie had sat up in bed and as I put my phone down I shook my head.

"There's an incident going on at Reveal, Caroline was working tonight."

"What kind of incident?" Ellie's face paled and I pulled her against me, holding her a little too tight in my arms.

"A shooter. We have no idea if Caroline is safe or not. I called Chelsea the minute the notification came through. She convinced me to stay put. I really hate that fucking club." Ellie looked up at me and I kissed the top of her head. "Let's try and get some sleep, it's going to be a restless one for me." I had become exceptionally fond of the friendship that had formed between Caroline, Chelsea and me. Granted, they were already friends and to welcome me into their fold was always mind blowing to me.

I was right about one thing, it was a restless sleep indeed and although Ellie was still asleep, I slipped out of bed and went to straight to the living room, putting the television on and waited patiently for any updates. After hearing the same thing being repeated for over five minutes, I made my way to the kitchen and made a coffee, it was going to be one of those mornings.

Watching the same crap over and over again is frustrating. I just want an update on my friend and there was nothing. Sitting drinking my coffee, I jumped out of my skin when my phone rang. and I quickly answered as Chelsea's call came through. " you have an update?"

"Whoa, slow down Jack, I've not heard anything yet, have you?"

"No. Just the same shite over and over on the television. I've tried ringing her but it's constantly going to her answering machine."

"Same here. I wish I had her brother's number. I don't trust social media to give us the truth on what happened or if anyone's seriously hurt."

"I know how you feel. Sorry for waking you up last night, especially since we all went to bed late."

"I would rather you do that than hold on to information until this morning. I don't always check the news or my phone, so despite the ungodly hour, I appreciated your call Jack." I heard commotion in the background, and I knew it was her daughters running amok as Chelsea let out a groan. "The peace is shattered. Listen Jack if I hear anything, I will call you straight away, okay.?

"Okay, thanks. If I hear anything or find a newsworthy update, I will give you a call. Take care Chelsea."

"You too Jack."

Except we heard nothing. The news had no update on Caroline, it was like she had vanished off the face of the earth and Chelsea had said that her management had repeatedly tried connecting with her via phone, email, social media and it appears it has gone unread. I refused to believe the worst thing possible had happened, but then if it had, I'm sure it would have been plastered all over the news. No news is good news, right?


Jack has been on edge for days over the radio silence from Caroline and despite all of us exhausting all avenues of contact, there was still no news about Caroline. I was meeting Liv today, to make sure that my dress still fits and despite the drama surrounding our friends, I had the best day with my sister and sister-in-law. Then I remembered, we had invited Caroline and a plus one to our wedding, she had accepted at the time and now it was tinged with a little sadness, not knowing if she was going to be there or not.

When I returned home, I could hear voices and it wasn't the television. I burrowed my brow and I walked into the living room and there was Jack and Chelsea chatting away. I smiled to myself and I love how their friendship is going from strength to strength and as I walked further into the living room, Jack looked in my direction and gave me a soft smile. "What are you two up to?"

"We are planning on going to Caroline's. There is still nothing with all means of contact. We've swung by hers a few times now but there has been no reply, so we are thinking of going on Saturday."

"Is there a method behind your madness?" Chelsea grinned at me as I sat down next to Jack.

"There is. It will be a week since it unfolded. If I know Caroline, she lays low for a while and the like a phoenix from the ashes, she rises again. I remember when she quit touring, she laid low for a while, more than a week, but then re-emerged here in Glasgow, performing at the two clubs. My heart broke when I found out that Benji's wife passed away giving birth to little Lottie." Jack squeezed my hand and I nodded.

"That must have been hard. But you know, if its for the right reasons, you will give up anything to move heaven and earth for the people you love." Chelsea gave me a knowing smile and then it looked like she had a lightbulb moment. "But we have forgotten we aren't free on Saturday; you may have to make it Friday instead."

"Good point. I don't fancy running around on our wedding morning making sure Caroline is fine, but I just have this feeling at the pit of my stomach that something isn't quite right." Then since Chelsea did have her lightbulb moment, she spoke about what she was thinking.

"If Caroline is struggling with the trauma of what happened at the club, I have an idea to show her that she isn't alone, I'm not sure if you both are familiar with my story, but if I could get a group of people interested in helping Caroline, would you both be interested?"

"That sounds good. Just remember, we are getting married on Saturday, then two weeks later we are on our long weekend with you guys, Liv and Carmen." Then we all looked at each other, a new plan fermenting right in front of us.

"If we locate Carmen on Friday, I can check if she is still coming on Saturday and then invite her for an escape. Maybe whatever plan you are thinking of Chelsea, can wait until the long weekend. That way, she has no choice but to listen." We discussed our plans some more and then operation Check on Caroline was well underway. "Plus, it will give us a good enough reason to get to know her girlfriend."

Jack and Chelsea hung out some more and I excused myself, making my way upstairs, to freshen up and change into my comfy clothes. I wasn't prepared to sit around in my jeans tonight and by the time I was organised, Jack was sitting on the couch by herself, Chelsea nowhere to be seen. She held out her hand and I stepped towards her and as my hand slipped into hers, she stood up and wrapped an arm around my waist. I smiled. Jack has always held her promise to me. No matter how tired or busy we both have become, we always have a dance at some point in the evening. "Just think, our dances are slowly dwindling down and there is only one left until we are married."

"I will dance forever with you babe. Just because you are going to be at your sisters on Friday night, doesn't mean my heart isn't with you. I can't wait to spend time with our loved ones on Saturday, watching us becoming wife's for life. I love you Ellie. I sometimes don't feel I say it often enough, but I do. I love you with every ounce of my being." I looked up at Jack as we swayed to the imaginary music in our heads and smiled at her.

"You were like my big ball of light Jack. Guiding me when I didn't understand that I needed to be saved. You have brought me so much joy, love and fun into my life, I can't wait until Saturday until I can say I do. Whilst you may think that you don't tell me that you love me, you tell me every single day Jack. The smallest I love you to the largest, it doesn't really matter. All that matters is that I have your heart and you have mine. I love you babe."

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